Joint Chiefs Chairman Confirms Soldiers Were Issued Bayonets For DC Protests | Talking Points Memo

Looks like we’re entering slippery slope territory


I am so angry I could

Stopping right there.


And indeed that is what happened at Kent State University fifty years ago when Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire against unarmed students, killing four and wounding nine others. That these Guardsmen had live ammo directly violated Federal policy, at least at that time. Under Federal policy for civil disturbances, the only individuals authorized to have live ammo are selected sharpshooters.


I lived about an hour from Kent State when that happened. At 14, I thought this country was going to hell over Vietnam.


And they will win this messaging game in the MSM because the MSM will follow their lead and turn towards a big debate about whether $600 per month provides such a lavish lifestyle that nobody would ever want to work again if they received it from the gov’t.

You know, because it’s not like a deadly virus is rampaging across the country and killing 130,000 Americans, debilitating and potentially disabling countless others and destroying families could possibly have anything to do with people not wanting to place themselves in work situations that might expose themselves to said virus.

Instead of treating this argument as the pure, unadulterated, crystallized sociopathy that it is, the MSM is going to entertain this debate. Just watch…


Good that the Military is here to protect our freedoms…

There was a “huge” difference between the National Guard and us. The National Guard was at Kent State.

Roughly 700 members of the 82nd Airborne Division were sent to two military bases near the District Capitol Area. The soldiers were armed with live-rounds, bayonets, and riot gear.

“Nothin’ says lovin’ like somethin’ from the oven armory.”

I’m thinking a certain KKKockholster wants his own KKKent State.


NO military personal stateside goes to the barracks with live rounds. The rounds go to the armory and the doggies take their rifles to the barracks. And yes, they may have their bayonets with them. People are making this “shit” up.

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That’s odd. Most of the people that I personally know who have served in the National Guard are former regular military personnel…both commissioned officers and enlisted. How does that make the outlook (of the “regulars” versus the National Guard) on protecting the civilian population versus following illegal orders to attack peaceful protesters any different?

WTF? I wasn’t given a bayonet in Vietnam. Do these military clowns have any idea what could happen turning a bunch of army goofs armed for WW2 combat loose on American citizens?

Soldiers are trained to use the bayonet as a slashing tool. Down the side of the face, over the collar bone, down the chest and plunge into the abdomen. Is this what BLM or looters deserve?

We need laws. No more…ever again…can the military be faced off against US Citizens. We’ve had our Kent State and we know how this can end. Get over your love affair of that slop outfit we call the military our return on investment with those slouches has been all negative since WW2. Send them to Korea, or Vietnam or Afghanistan to lose wars but keep the fucking assholes off our streets.


Yeah. and “us” was at Mỹ Lai. Get over it guy. There’s not jack shit difference between a weekend warrior and a full time guy. They’re both are trained to eat up trillions of dollars, lose wars and have done so since 1945.

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Most full time military go into the reserves if they want to keep a green check coming in. Some do the NG thing. The NG is trained by the regular forces and for the most part suck. That’s because the regular forces suck as well.

The bayonet was standard issue for the Marine grunts in Vietnam (although an M-16 with a bayonet attached looked vaguely ridiculous)

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I was an Army grunt. I the cooks had them. They used them to poke holes in the coffee cans to make cowboy coffee. I carried a 203. It would have been silly to put a bayonet on that weapon.

Dougout Doug is offended by that statement.

Thank you for sharing that. I know that the people I knew who served in the European theater didn’t talk about it for years, and the Pacific was so brutal that I can only imagine the emotional toll.
While I’m glad that they were ordered to keep the bayonets in the scabbards, I don’t see any reason to issue them unless thee was a very real possibility of using them. I can’t imagine what those soldiers were thinking about the possibility that they would be ordered to bayonet their fellow citizens. That in itself would make you think twice about re-enlisting.


Are you fkn KIDDING me? They were going to STAB US CITIZENS for protesting? Using their Constitutional right to ASSEMBLE??? WTF?


My kid just got a bill clawing back the unemployment benefits that were already approved and paid. And spent.

I suspect he’s not alone.


One word to Milley – RESIGN

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