Joe Biden's Grip On Re-Nomination Is At Its Most Tenuous Since The Debate Disaster

F. O.

5.56mm rifle bullet. It would have torn his ear off if it had been just a few millimeters to the right, a little further and it would have creased his skull, a little more and it would have been fatal. He’s the luckiest bastard alive that all he got was a small nick in his ear.

I don’t know if the story about him playing golf on Sunday without a bandage is true. Anyone else know if that was verified?


At a guess? Different humans.

Writers submit their pieces, editors look them over, and put them on the carousel for the morning, or afternoon slots, depending on whether or not they’re really ‘breaking’, gives the tech something to schedule on.

Editor writes MM, pushes it out as soon it’s done because it’s always running just a bit late (no shade, mornings are busy and DK’s composing thoughts on overnight events he’s probably only just caught up on before writing). Means the normal ‘this is set up and will go through the automation’ doesn’t happen.


They sell ARs that also fire handgun.ammo and 22mm short rounds.

Not every gun is firing jacketed rounds or even rifle rounds.

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Thanks for this information. But none of it explains why, before this “upgrade,” Comments could be accessed directly, as soon as MM (or any other article) was posted.

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I’m coming around to the SS caused it tackling him. Evidence of blood spray? Curious why we actually haven’t seen the wound.


The teleprompters are visible in wide-angle photos after the shooting, undamaged. The bullet grazed him.


ABC News:

Crooks went to a local gun shop that day, where he bought 50 rounds of 5.56 mm ammo.


I stand corrected.

You have to be a Prime Platinum member to get easy access to the comments section.


If you mean “f**k off” then you are part of the problem. Repukes purposefully twist language to achieve their preferred narrative. No one had a problem saying “Democratic Party” until Newt Gingrich decided to go full-on with psychological warfare in the 90s and pushed “Democrat Party” through the RWNM specifically because it ended in “rat”.

Feel free to look up the history if you don’t believe me.

Also don’t insult smart, sophisticated posters who are trying to keep everyone honest.


Okay. As I said, I wasn’t following much of anything after the spectacle.


Back to the Republican soap opera, McCarthy this morning.


Never wrong Axios says



Me, on the other hand, @jtx can feel free to insult. I give no fucks. :wink:


Because Project 2025 is 900 pages long, and it consists of mostly budget line item revisions and amounts to make government policy changes through anything other than thoughtful legislation. It’s a bean-counter’s budget weed patch. No one wants to go there. Everybody hates accountants, budgets, and auditors. But that repellence is an open invitation for fraud to be conducted in the dark. That’s why we need people to shine the light on it. Very few politicians can, or will, do that. Katie Porter and “Shiv” Warren are masters of exposing this crap.


NYT verified photo sequence. The first one shows a blurred image of the bullet trial, where the shutter wasn’t fast enough to show the bullet itself. The angle to his head is deceptive because the image was shot from a lower angle.


It is beyond frustrating that the Democrats are at serious risk of throwing the election away, and don’t seem to realize it. Biden is not a perfect candidate, but on July 18, he is the incumbent, the presumptive nominee and the best choice to topple Trump/Vance, to retake the House and hold the Senate, and to pull state governments and ballot initiatives to the Democrats. If the party unites behind him and concentrates on the only prize, which is electing N0T-Trump. Voter turnout is about all those things. Kamala Harris would make an excellent president, but electability is an issue if Biden is not the nominee because a separate decision will have to be made by the party and the voters as to who should replace him. It will not be a unanimous or immediate decision, and the discussion will move from squabbling over whether Biden should step aside to squabbling over who should replace him. Squabbling is not campaigning. The naval gazers who are pondering ‘who has a better chance?’ are not deciding… the voters will, and not the party elite or the celebrity attention seekers or the donors.

So disfunctional… how can the Democrats be so oblivious?


More on JD bio.