Joe Biden's Grip On Re-Nomination Is At Its Most Tenuous Since The Debate Disaster

Is that a threat? I am not as enthusiastic as some about Harris. Not after what went on after Obama.


Does anyone know what kind of bullet that was and what damage can be caused in that situation?
Also, I heard that he played golf on Sunday. No bandage. True?


Manual = hands required.


Wifes ?

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Ok if you insist, wives

The bullet was from an AR-15 type gun. Given the damage they do, either it barely clipped TCF’s ear, or he was hit by flying plexiglass or some other bit of shrapnel. As for the golfing, I read he didn’t wear a bandage while golfing on Sunday, so the gauze on his ear is shear performance art.


Harris has earned it and there is no other replacement candidate.


Biden has lost twice as many presidential elections as he’s won, and he’s on track to make it three times as many losses.

Take the win, Joe. Know when to call it a day.


I really like your poetry. But I forget what the metrics of your poetry are called.

Just a reminder to readers: The biggest “American Oligarchs” that support this autocracy drive and BJ Vance, are billionaire immigrants to this country, and they want to destroy what is left of democracy or a democratic republic.


I’m not an expert on guns and injuries from gunfire - though you’re asking good questions that could have been answered (ahem) by experts in a statement or press conference… Snopes did a fact check on the golfing claim - couldn’t confirm, they say


Someone here on Saturday night that, according to an NBC tweet, his car was accidentally cut by a Secret Service man when he pushed him to the ground. Never saw anything more, but I also pretty much avoided the internet until things were calmer.

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This whole thing is infuriating. They’ve made their concerns known, Joe’s given his decision, and at this point all they’re doing is telling the American people that the Democratic Party has no fucking clue what they’re doing, and are willing to squabble like little fucking children in public.

I don’t expect the Democrats to be authoritarian assholes, but I do expect them to have the sense to not make this bullshit public. What started off as reasonable concern has become a national embarassment, and not on Biden’s part.


The election will be decided in just six or seven swing states where there aren’t enough Democrats to win the state. That means we need Independents, undecideds, and others who right now don’t like being given the option of two old dudes on the ticket. These swing voters don’t like Trump, and they don’t like Biden either.

Dems have been messaging about the danger of a Trump administration and it’s not working to shift the numbers with those swing voters, which is why Dem leaders are panicking. But harping on those dangers is all we’ve got if Biden stays in the race.

We have to hope negative partisanship, voting against the other guy rather than being excited about who the Dems are putting on the ticket, will be enough in November.


Well, considering that he’s appearing in public with a piece of gauze and double stick tape, I’d say it’s believable.
Good grief.

So why doesn’t the human perform the act as soon as MM has been posted? Better yet, why doesn’t someone program things so that the comments open automatically upon posting?


Exactly. I do think Biden has been fighting an uphill battle to get the recognition of his accomplishments inside the party, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that independents are not aware. It’s also no surprise that the party mucky mucks would abandon him at the first whiff of any issues.


Democratic. It’s a proper goddamned noun. Do not accept the Republican attempts to rename a party that’s not theirs.


hands required to use the keyboard.

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He grabbed at his ear before hitting the deck. Something grazed his ear and it was likely the bullet.


Don’t accept the the GOPs redefinition of republic.