Joe Biden's Grip On Re-Nomination Is At Its Most Tenuous Since The Debate Disaster

Originally published at: Joe Biden’s Grip On Re-Nomination Is At Its Most Tenuous Since The Debate Disaster

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version. The Knives Are Out The events of the past 24 hours have placed President Biden’s renomination in greater jeopardy than at any point since his June debate performance upended his campaign and the trajectory of…

I am very disappointed in the Dem leadership. I’ll keep voting blue and donating because of the alternative, but I won’t be happy about it.

What is really sad is the story of two Dems who are being asked to step down on the same day. One is a man of character who has worked hard all his life for our country, the other is a man who never saw a gold bar he didn’t like.

ETA pic of Nick


Never First again (sad face emoji)


What a combo! Donny the H-ear-o and Shady Vance. The Autocratic Duo. Political tools of the American Oligarchs.

The American Oligarchs’ prayer
Is Democracy’s downfall to where
All for a tax break
They’ll lie, cheat, and make
The American Dream a nightmare


Never say never, unless you say it twice.


The Democrat Party never has been a Lock Step Party, and hopefully never will. It is one of the reasons why I am a Democrat.

If the leadership is right or wrong, I do not have the numbers, so I can not say. But I will continue to support the brokered candidate.


Shill-Billy Elegy


I’m pretty much tired of this entire discourse on Biden’s re-nomination. Go ahead, Dem party - force a highly successful President to step down over a real/imagined problem, while the country is facing a desperate, divisive candidate who will take away everything the country has fought for for 250 years.

Nullify the entire primary election and demonstrate once and for all that one’s vote doesn’t count. Yeah, that’s going to convince unaffiliated voters to come to your political party.

Harris may end up a perfectly fine President but, even if she should win the election (which is not guaranteed), she will always be viewed as something not quite as good. She didn’t get there on her own. It’s not the same as if she inherited the position on death or significant injury. She’s getting the position because someone got their britches in a hitch over something that just isn’t important enough to overturn the will of the people.

It’s not going to bring undecided or unaffiliated voters to the big tent.

This stepping down happens at significant peril, not just to the Democratic party, but to the country as a whole.

Why are the Dems attacking themselves when Project 2025 looms huge in the future of this country? Why? Does no one understand the importance of preventing this at all costs? The party is the one causing the problem here by constantly focusing on this age stuff. We’re trying to eliminate the GQP and, in the process, we’re looking at marginalizing ourselves.

This needs to stop. It goes on to the detriment of the country. Knock it off already.


Biden loses = he didn’t step down
Harris loses = he didn’t step down soon enough

Frankly, I don’t care who runs. I care who wins.


I will be relieved when the Republican convention is over. This is what they mean by unity. It’s ugly.


I just want it settled. It is pathetic.


That’s the calculus for this episode. The question is, how and when the “Biden must step down” folks will punish everyone else for not yielding to them.


So sick and tired of being sick and tired reading the same headline getting worse and worse every day.

With friends like these, who needs enemies?


I had to come in through the back door today…howdy folks.


Me too. Good morning.


I think we all do.


Is there a front door?


And of course no insights at all into how their own repeated arsons might be contributing to this growing conflagration?


New avatar?

Well, they are uniformly deplorable, so there’s that.

Back in 2015, my MiL, who was born in Vienna in 1931 and thus knows her Nazis pretty well, opined, “This is how it starts.” She wasn’t wrong.