President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris officially kicked off their re-election campaign on Tuesday with a three minute video in which Biden promised to “finish the job” and take on “MAGA extremists.” Biden also announced his leadership team,…
Given her background with VP Harris, what will she do if, for whatever reason, Harris’ role in the campaign is derailed? Of course she’ll declare fealty to Biden, but would she ever push Harris overboard?
Great, another “woke” staffer gets promoted because diversity. This is so unfair to white men. Why does Biden hate white men so much? We need to put together a panel of white men to discuss this and have Tucker Carlson moderate it. What have white men ever done to Joe Biden? This will lose him the white men vote. What this country needs is more white men in charge.
Btw apparently for some reason they decided to remake this film, yet they failed to take advantage of the obvious opportunity to cast the two leads as women, one white and one black. Stupid. Hopefully there’s a plot twist in which both leads get hustled by two women. It would be cinematic malpractice to not have that happen. Women play basketball (and damn well) and women buy movie tickets, no? I guess some things haven’t changed. White men can’t make good movies?
I’d be willing to bet (and I’m not a betting man) that they’ve done a shit-ton of work on the campaign for the last several months so they could hit the ground running.
Equivalent to asking, in 2012, what would happen if Biden’s role in the campaign is derailed. Such a concern would evoke thoughts of Biden being a sorry addition to the Ticket or a very bad railroad engineer
The usual suspects will not like it nor will they follow it. There’s too much money to be made. Frankly, we might be better off if he gets in and gives them something to latch onto or they might just fall for the bullshit Yang is pulling as a deliberate spoiler.
I am cognizant of the rules of Party politics, yet I am also aware that (for example) a United States Senator endorsing Trump is toying with the cataclysmic.
One thing I don’t hear mentioned about the 2024 election is Trump’s coming courtroom commitments. How can he plan his MAGA rallies when he has court dates pending? Will judges bend over backwards to accommodate Trump’s entirely elective schedule and inconvenience jurors and lawyers so that he can do his campaign appearances? All discussions I read about him being almost sure to get the nomination ignore the fact that his dance card is quickly filling up.
Just today we learned that there is a Michigan grand jury looking at the fake electors and voting machines. Yesterday we learned that Trump was present at meetings regarding the “electors” and the machine data. It is not a stretch to think that he may be implicated in yet another election investigation. It just seems to me that he may be too busy to run a campaign at the same time he is trying to stay out of jail.