Jesse Watters’ Token Liberals Include A ‘Pizzagate’ Conspiracy Theorist Who Podcasted With Nazis

The rise of cable news in the early ‘90s was fueled by daring reporters who donned bulletproof vests to cover bombings live on the rooftops of Baghdad. Three decades later, Jesse Watters, the top individual host on Fox News, the country’s most-watched cable channel, is selling audiences a far different concept of front line journalism. For his latest book, which just enjoyed its second week on the New York Times bestseller list after debuting in the top spot at the start of this month, Watters traveled the roughly eight blocks from his network’s Manhattan headquarters to the Port Authority Bus Terminal to interview, as he puts it, “a homeless guy.” 

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Mom must be proud.


Jesse Watters must be a riot at the mausoleum! He probably has a red phone in his office and a direct line to the Kremlin for disinformation. With his audience size, I wonder how many people he has killed so far with disinformation.


I can give you 787 million reasons this book is a work of fiction, distortion, and agitprop. Publisher is Broadside Books, the rightwing-swamp division of Harper Collins, a publisher wholly owned by the Murdoch Empire of Opinions, Gossip & Lies, Inc.

Let’s recall that Murdoch used three giant book advances (for titles that nobody read) from Harper Collins back in the late 1990s to bribe Newt Gingrich for the FCC exceptions Newt helped him with so as to launch the cesspool that is FOX News.


When it comes to Jesse Watters saying he doesn’t like Jews, he’s a real poet!

“Liberalism is really the sociopolitical term for Jewish domination, so I’m not in favor of Jewish domination. I’m not a liberal.”


and two preachers, one who practices Voudou and another whose sacrament is a potent psychedelic

Did Mr. Watters disclose that he himself doesn’t believe in God? Or did he clarify his personal biases about religion?

Thought not.

As mere consumers, we are responsible for assuming this guy is fair and objective, a real devotee of the whole truth.


Thankyou Hunter for reading his book so we don’t need to.


” However, many of the subjects are not particularly political at all, including the aforementioned “homeless guy,” a “professional cuddler,” a woman who owned an “emotional support” squirrel, a pair of fairly random vegans, an anonymous prostitute, and two preachers, one who practices Voudou and another whose sacrament is a potent psychedelic derived from Mexican toads.”

Apparently Jesse Watters visited my church at some point. I must’ve been out of town, or I would have shared a toad with him. It’s always special to share the Eucharist with a true man of God like Jesse.


Very entertaining read Hunter. Thank you! I remember Watters from his time as Bill O’Reilly’s ‘man on the street.’ He was a piece of shit and a bully then and he is a piece of shit and a bully today. He can only think in stereotypes and so he has to find people who match those stereotypes, at least in his mind. I wonder if he’s capable of having a complex, human relationship. Unfortunately he’s too stupid and cruel to be anything other than what he is.


“We do not need a social revolution because somebody has personal problems.”


We also don’t need Trumpism to solve problems by imagining they’re gone.


Prepping their gun-fat followers to invade the hellholes. Bring them Jesus. Portray them as weak.

He’s selling them self righteousness. That’s the model. Church.

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This was such a disheartening article to end the week. The fact that this dishonest asshole is the highest rated show on cable news and selling this propaganda that people are buying.



Jesse Watters had a single goal, to make money.

I doubt he wrote most of the book. Rather, it looks like a collection of goofball interviews that have no real point or connection. He or his publisher or more likely his publicist slapped on a title to get money from Watters’ devotees and presto, it worked.

Look at the bright side, its less money those buying Watters’ book have to give Donald Trump.


Lying certainly pays well. 8 figure income.


Unless we have all agreed to change the meaning of the word journalism, then it is not being used correctly to describe what Jesse Watters practices.


Eight figure salary and a book deal. Life is good for Jesse Watters.


He isn’t even a pundit, he’s an outrage pimp.


How long before this smug self-important asshole writes a book about “traditional marriage”? You know, the kind when men can fuck anyone and beat the shit out of any woman who was stupid enough to fall for his bullshit and lies. Wouldn’t you just love to ask wifey #2 whether or not she thinks he’s done fucking hot young producers?


Has she seen Honey bun’s activities these past few years?

Following in the footsteps of his mentor, Billo.

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