JD Vance Finally Admits He Does Not Think Trump Lost The 2020 Election

Originally published at: JD Vance Finally Admits He Does Not Think Trump Lost The 2020 Election - TPM – Talking Points Memo

After weeks of avoiding the question and offering dodgy non-answers in response, Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance (OH) on Wednesday finally publicly admitted he does not believe Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election. During a Williamsport, Pennsylvania rally, the Ohio senator was asked: “What message do you think it sends to independent…

Think should not be used when Vance is attempting to speak.


The slippery punk can’t say it straight even when he thinks he’s saying it straight.


Sofa once, could he just not couch his language in euphemisms, but admit the un-upholstered truth? Election denial might play well in Davenport, but it won’t settee well with moderates he’s trying to chaise in battleground states. Ottoman like him be entrusted with such a high office?


I can’t even get the dodge correct. “Not by the words that I would use, okay?”
He so playing dodgeball here. He could said “I still don’t think that we got a fair accounting of the votes”, or even “There were problems with voting in the 2020 election”. This is the weaving that DonOLD thinks he’s doing.

Now with the new reporting on the Stormy and another attempt by DonOLD’s legal team to silence her JDV should be asked his thoughts on sex outside of marriage.


JD Vance lies effortlessly and recklessly.


JD Vance Finally Admits He Does Not Think Trump Lost The 2020 Election

OK, it’s one thing not to think. But, does he actually think that Chiselin’ Trump did not lose the 2020 election?


Such excellent punnery can only be divanly inspired.


“Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin.”


The headline isn’t quite right. Unlike Trump, Vance isn’t a moron and he knows full well that Trump lost. Say rather that he finally–more or less explicitly–told the lie he has been promoting rather than technically evading the question rather than lying.


No, he does not think that. He is lying. Because that is the first item in the job description for the role he currently has.


There is no 2028 for Vance; nobody likes him. Pushing Trump aside after this election is his only hope for power. He either figured that out or the gibbet-references from MAGAts and Trump have had their effect. He’s committed now to Trump’s coattails.


So, he admits that his position is the same as Trump’s, that Trump really won the 2020 election. Progress, but it can’t be allowed to rest there.

The next stage should be to confront him with the question of whether that means that the people who stole the election are at least some of those “enemy within” that Trump says would have the military sent against them if he becomes president again.

Okay, maybe that would involve skipping a step or two, and it obviously is going to be baby steps with Vance.

If you believe that Trump Really Won, there is the question of how Biden came to be declared the winner. The way I formulated it two paras up is the belief that Trump Really Won logically requires that the election was stolen – by somebody. But, yes, you do have at least this step in between. Trump not only really won, but his being declared the loser wasn’t some act of God that dropped from the heavens. Some person or persons had to steal the election. You have to get Vance to admit that.

Then the next step is to cone in on which humans might reasonably be suspected of doing the foul deed of stealing the election, now that he has admitted it wasn’t some accident. Was it Ds? RINOs? The Deep State? Clearly it must have been a conspiracy among all three. Who else had motive and opportunity? There is of course some leeway in fingering all vs just select Ds/RINOs/Deep Staters, but pretty clearly the minimum group that could have pulled this off includes all the top Ds and RINOs, and Deep Staters, which must include every single judge who ruled against him, and every senator and House member who voted to accept a Biden EV certificate. Maybe the conspiracy could conceivably not have informed Biden and Harris, but come on, be real. Even if they were somehow not accomplices before the fact, they have been accomplices after the fact, accepting and profiting from the stolen goods of high office.

Then the final question remains. What is to be done with those guilty of such a massive crime? Follow the logic and pretty much the entire D party, plus big chunks of the R party and of our civil service, need to be rounded up and court-martialed on day one of Trump’s second term. Does Vance go along with that?


The word that comes to mind is “oleaginous”–slippery, slimy, sleazy. I always feel like I need a good scrub with steel wool and a long, hot shower after listening to these permanent high school debate team creeps (Vance, Cruz, Hawley, etc.) speak. Of course they all feel the need to go around in redneck kabuki with their dirt-free boots and starched plaid shirts when they’re on the campaign trail. Grotesques, the lot of them.


Peter Thiel likes his rent boys to look a certain way, okay?


Except Vance doesn’t think Trump won the election. He only says he thinks that—and even then in only the most equivocal terms—because saying it will advance his political ambitions. He knows Trump lost. But that knowledge is a Thoughtcrime in the GOP.


I used to have to deal with fireworks dealers. Oleaginous is a perfect fit.

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Vance wants to be president and be able to deliver the just and deserving and as Machiavelli would have said the end justify the means. Vance will choke his own mother if that is what it takes, he is convinced of his righteousness and totally devoid of scruples.


Apparently, Trump called him and said “Your nose is not far enough up my ass” - simply disgusting.


The headline is misleading. I am certain James David Vance does not “think” or believe that Trump did not lose the 2020 election. Jamie D has decided that it is now politically opportune to mouth the MAGA Party Line of the Big Lie. Having disgraced himself by failing to answer Governor Walz’s unambiguous question, JDV has lost all credibility with the reality-based community, so he now has nothing to lose by reassuring the MAGA faithful that he will discard the rule of law to empower Trump.