January 6 Committee Releases Its Final Report In Full – TPM – Talking Points Memo

I have very big problems with anyone who feels like someone or group but was never in their situations.
One of the main things I learned from helping to care for Vietnam War casualties if you were not there you don’t know shit.
Using Vietnam because that is what I know but it carries over to any war or injustice where humans are harmed for no good reason.
Call me anything you like, but I hope Trump and all those who backed him die screaming.


But if it’s between Stone and Trump, I pick Trump every time.

Stone and Cohn were the mentors.

Trump is their protégé.

And mentor to thousands.


Beginning to really love how these MAGA lawyers are/will be taking it on the chin. Pence’s comments about that idea that Trump shouldn’t be prosecuted because of bad attorney advice was not the smartest way to go about it. Crime families usually show more discipline. Hutchinson appears to have nothing to lose and no fear – a former foot soldier now giving a solid FU. Passantino and Meadows are clearly not sleeping much these days.


Stefan Passantino has taken a leave of absence from law firm Michael Best & Friedrich following an allegation that he advised a Trump White House staffer to mislead the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack at the US Capitol.

The Reality:

“Son, we’re going to have to urge you to take a leave of absence now” - Senior Partners

“Can I at least say it was my idea?” - Slimy Stefan

“Only if you don’t claim you want to spend more time with your family.” - Senior Partners


Hutchinson might be untouchable now as far as smear&sue (eg. Strzok). Of course, the MAGA gravy train is closed to her, but what’s left of the traditional republicans will still have a career track open for her.


You’re misreading what was guidance being given her on how to survive the testimonial interview. She was being told to downplay her role and significance, to make herself uninteresting to the investigators.


Zelensky hit it out of the ballpark last night. Just the right tone in addressing the American public–over the heads of Congress. A mix of defiance, hope, humility, pride, down-to-earthness, and hints of (yes) Churchillian eloquence–all just right for the occasion.

One point, though, that I wish Z could have made more forcefully: That was his mention of the Battle of Saratoga. During his pre-speech tour of the Capitol building (with Nancy, Schumer, and–yes–McConnell), he was shown the huge painting by Trumbull of Burgoyne’s surrender at Saratoga, which is in the Rotunda. (On J6, photos were taken of the MAGA mob milling around in front of it.) I suspect that Z was briefed on what happened at Saratoga. Unfortunately, 99% of the American public nowadays is totally ignorant of the battle’s historical significance, so Z’s audience would have largely missed a point that needs to be brought home. Saratoga was the battle in which the Americans proved to the French that they could organize and send into the fight an army capable of standing up to the Redcoats and winning a battle in the disciplined European model. Not just a bunch of embattled farmers–but an army equal to the best the Brits could throw at them. Of course, the American militias were also present–they came rushing in from all over New York State and upper New England as the battle itself was raging, over several days, and they fought effectively in the role that was assigned to them. But the victory itself wouldn’t have been possible without the Continentals doing their part, and that included Benedict Arnold’s heroic charge at the climax of the battle. (Yes, Armold was a true hero–and that he wasn’t given appropriate credit by the New England politicians in Congress, thus outraging his 18th-century sense of honor and starting him on his road to treason, was a tragic turn of events.) And there was also the Polish military engineer Tadeusz Kosciuszko’s thoroughly professional laying out of the battlefield even before the fight began, which was another manifestation of professionalism on the American side. All this was brought to the attention of the French government by Ben Franklin, the US minister to the French court, and it was decisive in persuading Louis XVI’s government that the American cause was worth a formal French alliance and commitment of French military resources. And we couldn’t have won the Revolutionary War without the French.

Zelensky, no doubt told about this context during his tour of the Capitol prior to giving his speech, probably assumed that the American public knew and understood these details. (Ordinary Ukrainians and Poles would certainly have been aware of comparable nuances in their own history.) But for most Americans, Saratoga is at best a dim and distant name in the mists of history. So I wish that Z could have said a bit more, in invoking this historical event. Something like: “You Americans, fighting for your independence and liberty, in 1777 had to prove to the French that you were for real–that you could meet and beat whatever your enemy was throwing at you. Just so, in 2022 we Ukrainians have had to prove that we can beat Putin’s Russia. We have passed that test–we can defeat them, and if you now give us the tools, we can finish the job.” (That last flourish is, of course, lifted from Churchill’s plea to the US before Pearl Harbor.) I’m not sure that most Americans really understood that allusion that Z made without an explanatory context-setting.

In short, it was a magnificent speech on a historically important occasion, and I do hope that it will have its intended effect.


Peter Gabriel. MAGA lawyer

I don’t remember
I don’t recall
I have no memory of anything at all


quotes, please

It seems like he’s Saul Goodman without the talent and know-how. I can’t imagine it’s a good thing for a lawyer when their former client feels compelled to pierce attorney-client privilege and share recollections of the advice they were receiving from “their” counsel.


To begin with, Passantino told Hutchinson that she didn’t need to sign an engagement letter formalizing their relationship as attorney and client.

“Don’t worry. We have you taken care of. You’re a made man—um, I mean woman,” she recalled him saying.



Stefan Passantino, the former White House ethics czar for the Trump administration.

Credit to Josh K. for resisting the urge to snark while typing that.


OT - Gov. Douche-ee’s ridiculous “wall” to be taken down.

And since he will be gone too, it will actually happen.

Both Arizona Republican Doug Ducey and his illegal shipping container “wall” will soon be going. The state has agreed to begin dismantling the unlawful eyesore following a lawsuit filed by the federal government just last week.

In a filing Wednesday, Arizona has agreed to remove containers that Ducey illegally dumped in the Yuma sector fairly quickly—by Jan. 4. Miles of containers illegally dumped in the Coronado National Forest will also come down, but no date has been set for that yet. “Discussions between Arizona and the Forest Service for accomplishing this task will begin within one week,” the document said. Opponents of the illegal stunt celebrated the news.
documents news | TucsonSentinel.com

“Creo que veo un camino a través de la pared de Douch-ee”



Maybe he can have it redeployed to the california border.


Dominion says it won’t settle at least as to Giuliani and Powell:


There’s no billions in those two turnips. Their only value to dominion lies in nailing their hides to the wall.


Dominions name is FUBAR, no Republican official will ever buy Dominion’s ware, and very few democratic ones will knowing of the flack they will get from the right wing media and politicians. Like in all business, the owners of Dominion are not in it to make voting systems, they are in it to make money, so for them the best course of action is to sue everybody involved in the libel of their company and maximize cash settlements, not apologies or rulings. When they are done with that sell the compani intellectual property for whatever they can get. The owners can then retire, or use the money to start another business in an unrelated field.


So, you think they’ll take the money and run, leaving thousands of employees to fend for themselves?

They sure will, businessmen are all Randians. If their are feeling really generous they will make it easy for the employees to buy the company, they will be saving the severance payments.

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Have you seen nothing of capitalism the past 50 years? Also, dominion has less than 250 employees.