Jan. 6 Panel, Taking Wide-Bore Approach, Demands Records From Social Media Companies, Tech Giants | Talking Points Memo

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack announced a broad request on Friday for records relating to the insurrection from social media and other internet-related companies.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1386044
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What’s the point? This shit is dead in the water when it hits the Courts, gets delayed by hand-picked Federalist Society judges and then the GQP kills it in 2023.


This should amp up babyhands’ paranoia.


This is fantastic news. Not to be the turd in the punchbowl but I fear what SCOTUS will do to these requests, which will inevitably become subpoenas, once the appeals arrive on their desks. Having said that, this committee is going for the gold and Bennie Thompson looks to be the perfect leader. Liz and Adam are not publicly objecting to any of this, which is more good news. I just hope they keep the pressure level high and not take no for an answer. IOW fight like Republicans.


Thy bed is wet.


They don’t need all this stuff.

Just need to subpoena every communication of Roger Stone, 9/11NounVerb, and both Flynn brothers.

That’ll tell us everything we need to know.


Wow. The Select Committee is being so thorough I heard Putin just shot a text to Mo Brooks asking for advice on how best to avoid a subpoena. After researching the issue, he’s going with that he owns several Republican Congressmen.


Obviously all this committee activity means Trump must be returned to the Presidency.

Everyone agrees.


Joke’s gonna be on the committee when they accidentally sweep up the Fulton County officials’ facebook chats detailing the “water main break” plan to bring in 18K extra ballots, and the flight manifest for the charter from China with the bamboo ballots for Arizona.


‘Wide bore’ is barely a metaphor with the extent of this document search. The words any and all come to mind with the deep and wide evidence excavation. The Justice Department is going to stay busy pursuing the evildoers. It’s kinda like an evil colonic.


Those poor, poor idiots in Trump’s base.

For months, they demonized these companies, cried for blood, and tried to put them out of business.

Now, they hafta pretend to defend Google, Facebook, and Twitter as victims of tyranny!

They’re gonna get whiplash.


You forgot the Jewish space laser that flipped 22.5 million votes in Fulton County alone from Trump to Biden.


Up until the time SCOTUS effectively shuts the committee down by ruling much of what they demand is illegally intrusive.

Dang right! My Atlanta vote flipped four-five-six and maybe seven times before it finally landed on Biden.


In an unsigned shadow docket opinion released at 11 PM on a Friday.


Yes. Stone, Colludy, Flynns, Meadows, Clark, Ivanka,…


Oh, others might get fingered along the way. Just grabbing the core will make the full story known. And if I had to pick just one, I’d pick Roger. He’s the linchpin of the hail mary pass at the end on the sixth, once every other plan had run into a dead end.


Add Mark Meadows and Bill Barr to that list and it’s probably an open and shut case.


Nothing. The Supreme Court will do nothing to interfere if there are court battles over any document requests. These aren’t Donald Trump’s documents, he’s not president any longer, and the likes of Gab and Parler don’t have the money that it would take to litigate all the way to the Supreme Court.

8kun and 4chan are both based overseas, so I assume they’ll just ignore Congress and probably get away with doing so. The mainstream tech companies, like Facebook and Google, will probably just negotiate the scope of the requests until it’s something (including a search protocol) that both sides can live with, then produce a ton of materials.

And there are no constitutional issues of the type that would interest the Supreme Court anyway. Carrying Trump’s water is easy, however distasteful, when he’s the President of the United States. None of these companies is POTUS, so they don’t present any questions that can’t safely be resolved by the lower courts. SCOTUS doesn’t just reach out and enjoin people or companies every time they’re about ton reveal something new about Donald Trump_


Great idea! Let me fetch my cat o’ nine tails, and … what?

Oh, I see.

How disappointing.