This COmmENT sHOULD be throwN out. THe DIScobot COmmenting MAchine was HACKed by ITalian satellites to MAKE BDtex first.
So who wants to play Kyle’s new game?
I’ve designed a video game. Shoot fake hero wannabees with an AR-15.
All because Jeff [Clark] saw fit to investigate voter fraud. This is not America, folks. The weaponization of govt must end.
You can’t really pack irony tighter than that statement. Jeff was using the government as a weapon to “investigate” voter fraud.
BIDEn CriminaLIZing 1sT amENdment RIGHts to express OPINIONs on ELEctions and SUGGEst LEgitimaTE concerns that Election was STOLEN by deaD PEOPLe, 2000 MULEs, peoPLE votinG mulTIPLE times, thuMB driVEs FULL of ballotS, SUITcases FULL o f ballots, DOminON voting MACHINGS changing baLLOTs, BALLots being THROwn OUt, baMBOO ballots from CHIna, Italian SatelliTES, and OTHer nefariouS Libtard tactics to STeAL an ELEction.
Ron Johnson gives “dumb” a bad name.
I enjoy a different game. You shoot little deviant vigilantes.
Everyone drink!!!
(Just practicing.)
How about “oil spill”?
Hmmm. Maybe he’s running for office as a GOPer.
Everyone drink!!!
(More practicing.)
Water…cuz it’s really hot here
I remember being elated when he said that. I was still worried that he would be persuaded by other Republicans that it wasn’t a good idea, and try to take it back a day or two later. But he didn’t
So, I think other Republicans bear some of the blame, too. If they had gotten to him, the next day he could have come back with another slate of less obvious maggots, and it would have been hard for Pelosi to refuse.
But they didn’t. Idiots. Although in this case, good for the country.
Jeez. Wait for me! I’m still at work for another 7 minutes. Then I need to drive home.
Stupid little prick.
Maybe someone should create a video game where they shoot little Kyle Rittenhouses.
Hyperventilate if you need a quick buzz.
I think trump told Kevin to pull the GOP members off that committee … … now he’s changing his own reality again so he can blame someone else for his fuck up…
I agree — and since Qevin was ass-kissing to get back in FatAss’s good graces, and that was just the sort of “in your face” gesture that FatAss so loves, I am truly loving it that it’s all come back to smack both Qevin and FatAss in the face.
Color me more optimistic than a couple of weeks ago…