Jan. 6 Committee: Meadows’ Book May Undermine His Executive Privilege Claims | Talking Points Memo

Not only that, but DT called Meadows’ book fabulous and pushed it. Sure, we know he never read it, but implying he did undermines his EP claims as much as they do Meadows’. On the other hand, cognitive dissonance is their mothers milk.


This is a bald-faced lie. Trump is too stupid to know what a metaphor even is, nor is the word in his vocabulary.


Mark Rozell, a George Mason University prof and an expert on executive privilege, said executive privilege does not apply when information has already made public by the witness.

Rozell: “It is hard to imagine a stronger measure of contempt for Congress’ authority than to refuse to cooperate with an investigation but being willing to present the requested information in the public domain to sell books.”


It’s impossible for the Trump cronies to STFU.


So Trump thinks it’s a metaphor when he says, “We’re (meaning “You’re”) going to walk down to the Capitol”.

We = You is a metaphor?

I don’t think so.


Meadows is almost as awful as TFG. He should be bound to a chair if possible. From a Politico profile last October:
<< [Boehner and Meadows] carried on fine over the next couple of years—until Meadows surprised his colleagues by voting against Boehner’s reelection in 2015. “And then he sends me the most gracious note you’ll ever read, saying what an admirable job I’ve done as speaker,” Boehner recalled. “I just figured he’s a schizophrenic.”

That’s one diagnosis of Meadows—and trust me, there are plenty to go around in Washington. Friends would describe him as a respectable player—calculating and slippery but decent to a fault. Enemies would liken him to a political sociopath, someone whose charm and affability conceal an unemotional capacity for deception. What both groups would agree upon is that Meadows, the 61-year-old White House chief of staff, is so consumed with his cloak-and-dagger, three-dimensional-chess approach to Washington that he can’t always be trusted. >>


Trump is more likely to have said, “I met a whore …”


In my fantasy, when Meadows invokes privilege, the sergeant at arms tells him he can just sit in that chair until his case is resolved.

Have I mentioned that another thing I hate about republicans is the way they bring out the worst in us?


After the incident with the church and the bunker, it seemed prudent.


Seems a fair trade-off when they are essentially covered by impunity, if not actual immunity, for the time they serve in high public office.

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<insert joke here about it not violating the claim about EP if the intended audience for this book doesn’t read (well)>

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My guess: Sidney “the Wacky Kraken”, in the library, with a sharpie.


Has anyone else close to TFG been running their mouth in the press? March them into the 1/6 Committee! Committee should breach the stone wall however they can. That will make it easier for other TFG conspirators of this murderous 1/6 rampage to get things off their chests.


Mark Meadows is stupid and consistently shoots himself in the foot. He’s not as stupid as Kevin McCarthy in doing the same, but he’s still stupid. Oh, and, he’s stupid.


OT. I am sure a lot more interesting things will be found if they searched in SOB Osteen’s closet.


Yes–which leads me again to recall the first iteration of this committee: split down the middle between Republicans and Democrats; everyone had to agree on whom to call as witnesses; their work would have wrapped up by the end of 2021. This was agreed to, and then McCarthy rejects it anyway. So now, unencumbered, the current iteration of the committee can run things as it wants, and the GOP has only itself to blame for the legal/political fixes in which they find themselves.

Y’all reap what y’all sow.


@fuadreviez @pshah
Meadows claimed Trump told him he was “speaking metaphorically”

This is a bald-faced lie. Trump is too stupid to know what a metaphor even is, nor is the word in his vocabulary.

Trump is more likely to have said, “I met-a-whore-in-Cali’"

(It would also be the 1st true thing that TFG has ever said.)


Remember, Trump defines Fake News™ as anything he wishes were untrue, and someone who speaks ill of him is reflexively declared to be lying. hateful, un-American, or ugly, if not all four.


“knew as well as anyone that we couldn’t organize a trip like that on such short notice.”

Hmmm. Yet in a matter of mere minutes they were able to clear out that public square of protesters so that Trump and more than a dozen top officials - including a host of top military/intel brass - could march over to pose with an upside-down bible?


Royalties? How many copies are gonna sell? The mouth-breathers and knuckle-draggers can’t read and don’t read. I don’t see Buford and Festus shelling out $25.

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