Jan. 6 Committee: Meadows’ Book May Undermine His Executive Privilege Claims | Talking Points Memo

Looks like I have plans for multiple weeks in spring of 2022.


So if you get sentenced to a couple months in jail for refusing to testify, and two weeks in you change your mind and testify, I assume they frogmarch you over to the committee. But do you then have to complete your sentence? Asking for a manyshirted friend.


And that’s why this is so infuriating. They’re not competent, they-Trump, says whatever comes to mind. He surrounded himself with family and lapdogs, but no one knew how to run the office of the President, and what he could or couldn’t do.


He could return his pay for the days in which is was crimin’ for Trump, but will have to show how he was working for We the People on the days he wasn’t engaged in sedition.


I heard about this today on Deadline WH. I had very high hopes for this committee and what I heard today only exceeds those hopes. They are playing this for MAXIMUM public and thus political impact. No one on this committee is interested in taking a single damn prisoner. As @sniffit would say, “No fucking quarter!”


Just how fucking stupid are these guys ? If the book comes out Tuesday, what stops the committee from using the contents to ask penetrating questions about any interactions with Trump Meadows describes in the book ? It seems to me the book will be like a roadmap for the Committee.

He couldn’t wait until later next year to release it ? The grift is strong in these Padewons !!


Yup, my guess is Prime Time coverage from Labor Day right through Election Day 2022. It will be called “Liz’s Revenge”.


Jonathan Karl says the Jan. 6 Committee public hearings are already scheduled for late summer, early fall - right as the public starts to pay attention to the 2022 Election.


Well first of all, the book is fake news. Can’t take anything in it seriously, haha! But more importantly, I got a fat advance for telling everything I know in the book and a nice cut of the royalties. What are the Dumb-o-crats offering me? Can’t give it away for free.


Wait, what? So many questions about this starting with why would Tucker Carlson’s son need help getting into Georgetown?

And regarding Lin Wood, even Glenn Close’s character in Fatal Attraction is saying, that boy ain’t right.


Once he signed that contract (probably happened in February) and took the advance and the publisher paid for the ghost, nope, he did not get to delay the release. Oopsie. Not from the land of the triple digit IQ is our meadowmuffin.

At least he’ll likely outsell Chrispie. There have to be at least 2000 journalists, critters, and prosecutors who will buy a copy.

The committee has stated they expect to issue their report in Spring 2022.


Boebert…Boebert…Boebert…in my best Ferris Bueller impression.


Meadows is used to weak competition for his version of “success”.


Totally. I’m not of the mind that Dems are just weak, Dems just have a different audience than Republicans and Democratic voters tend to lean towards decency and respectfulness. A Cheney isn’t saddled with such niceties. Nah, I think she’d rather see the whole party burn to the ground than to let Trump and his ilk win. Sometimes it’s nice to have the devil on your side.


That sounds about right to me. They should wrap it up in June. Anything that happens too far into the summer tends to get lost in summertime fun and travel. That would then give Dems a good five months to run on the findings of the report.



I am awaiting others to get to where Liz is in the coming months.


I said repeatedly the public hearings on TV are the best thing for Dems, politically, and America. Dems did NOTHING wrong, while Rs sent one example after another of complete corruption and malfeasance during the impeachments, impeachment hearings, Mueller hearings, Kavanaugh confirmations, etc.

This is unvarnished, live TV. It isn’t packaged, it isn’t spun, it is unadulterated, it cannot be denied. People can claim they didn’t watch it, and people can intentionally not watch it, but it is absolute Sterling Silver awesome behavior from Dems, and a parade of human slime for the Rs.
I am not saying it made “the difference” for Ds in elections but I do believe it helped a lot for 2018 elections.

I remember watching explicitly to see how ANY filter by our media immediately broke the spell. The minute the committee took a short recess, the CBS feed went to their panel…3 women and one black man and COMPLETELY muddied and trivialized what we just saw within seconds and it didn’t end until the committee resumed. This was not some kind of FOX evisceration, or hooting RW flamethrowers trying to make a mockery of what we just saw. It was just plain, vanilla “Let’s just throw this question to the panel” blabbering. Someone paid to comment on this has a camera pointed at them…and their mouth needs to move for 30-90 seconds or they will find someone else. And it couldn’t have been more obvious that media touching a thing, changes a thing.


As a person from North Carolina, as is Meadows, I can vouch for the fact that the typical Tarheel believes at their core that they already know quite enough about something.

Put another way, they do not wish to learn anything because, well, they already know quite enough. With Meadows, hey, look how far he’s gotten? Why should he learn any more… about the Constitution, about democracy, about how people in leadership positions really ought to lead?

You could rub Meadow’s nose in any sort of objective truth and he’d completely deny it when he lifts his head up. After all, once his head is up, he can’t see it, and when his nose was rubbed in it, it was just too damn close.

With no real basis for understanding, no basic critical thinking skills, seriously, what does this committee really think they can get out of Meadows?


This is really good thinking. Get these hearings on TV, indeed. Get these people, and their underlings (who often would love to dish) to testify on live TV.

The 2018 elections may well have been helped by these hearings, such as Kavanagh’s. However, I must add the constant refrain that the healthcare issue is the one sure thing that can help Dems win. Their constituents must be reminded of how the Repubs in the House voted umpteen times to cancel the Affordable Care Act, and it survived in the Senate by one vote. Given the majority, they will do it again, along with removing protections for previous conditions and all the rest. The consultant class and the myopic progressives in the Democratic party are so diffused in their quest to right all wrongs with their puny majority that they are going to forget what works, I’m afraid.

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