Jan. 6 Committee: Meadows’ Book May Undermine His Executive Privilege Claims | Talking Points Memo

For many years, Meadows presented that as a genuine Bachelors degree … until he got called out on it …


He may still have to appear in person?


They can assert that the executive has stated he considers his interactions with that citizen while he was president and the citizen was a member of the executive branch to be privileged.

He does. Eastman isn’t very good on how the law actually works. Word class wishcaster, though.


But showing contempt for Congress and authority to please his orange daddy figure was the point for Lil Markie Mark.

Private citizens do not have executive privilege. End.

Things need to come to a crushing conclusion for the people in office / in staff positions … that supported, planned & are concealing this insurrection… the intent was to kill & kill many…


I would think so. The committee can also work with the DoJ to immunize him from prosecution and make him talk.

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There is nothing “cunning” about Mark Meadows. I own spoons sharper than him.

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I’d love to see him immunized and then prosecuted for the subsequent perjury.

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Just finished Rucker & Leonnig’s book and Meadows certainly comes across as an all-star bootlicker and bumwiper.

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speaking metaphorically

Oh, yeah, Donald does that a lot. He’s very deep. He passed a brain test!


Me neither.

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Person, woman, man, camera, Insurrection


Eastman is such an unrepentant contrary asshole that even if given immunity, he would probably refuse to talk. Eastman is not really employing the 5th because he fears the risks of having to implicate himself … he is doing it as a way to say F-you to the committee. He is a litigation suicide-bombing terrorist.

There will never be an admission of a truthful nature to come out of Eastman.

Eastman is a deranged zealot of many colors

  • a zealot who is fixated on the idea that a powerful oligarchy of men who think like him would be the best way to operate a country …
  • a zealot who stridently adheres to the idea that lying, fabricating, stealing is all acceptable in pursuit of what he deems to be the correct path to make the nation follow
  • a zealot who sees no reason to have any women involved in government
  • a zealot who believes that “majority rule” should be iron-fisted … from the ground up and he exclusively sees only the males of a white -fundamentalist- Christian “majority” as being worthy of “ruling” - and all other voices should be put on mute.

Eastman reflexively behaves like a child with unhinged Oppositional Defiant Disorder - he will not “read the room” - he will openly defy societal norms and standards of decency - he will intentionally express himself in ways that border on the gratuitously crude, abrasive, racist and vulgar and offensive - for the shock value - and to get attention … and simply to offend (because the bastard gets off on offending people)

Eastman loves Trump … and Trump embraced Eastman - because they both hate the fundamental “Equality … and …Freedom, Justice and Liberty for All” premises of the United States of America - and would destroy it in a heartbeat & declare dominion over the rubble - and install some “Southern Plantation / Moscow Mafia” flavored brand of oligarchy if they had the slightest opportunity.


I think all that the “metaphorical” thing ever meant is that tfg knew he was lying when he said he would go with his followers.He was always intending to send them out as cannon fodder.


I certainly don’t know, but I have to wonder if this is part and parcel of the Beltway insider world. Yes Democrats do way better things than Republicans do, but many politicians and their associates are living in a bubble of political power that is inextricably tied to the overall power structure of corporatism, including the mainstream media, as well as elite schools etc.


“The mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”
 -Donald Trump, 2016


I watched The Rachel Maddow Show last nite and she seems struck by the relatively sudden move by both Clark and Eastman to fall back on the 5th Amendment to avoid self-incrimination. That implies they believe they have some legal liability beyond contempt of Congress.

Significantly the Committee Counsel released information this week that the “DoJ” draft memo Clark tried to send to the Georgia Governor and legislature to demand an alternate slate of Electors, had meta-data associated with the electronic file impliyng that the WH Communications Office had either authored it or edited it.

The letter itself appears to violate Federal and state election integrity laws as the Georgia had already certified for Biden and had sent a Letter of Ascertainment to the Congress and the Archive.

The biggest mystery in this whole thing is, in the venacular of Sherlock Holmes, “the dog that didn’t bark”, ie any sign of a DoJ investigation into the organizers of the “Stop the Steal” business and all the efforts to disrupt the Congressional Recognition of the Electoral College vote on Dec. 14, 2020.

Could the motivation of Clark, Eastman and perhaps others be an indication that the DoJ (FBI or US Attorney’s office) has already told these guys they are subjects to a conspiracy investigation ? My “spidy sense” tells me that something like this may be happening out of our view - Judge Garland runs a very tight ship.


Most likely they’re doing the groundwork for a “witchhunt” narrative. The Bannon indictment informed them they have to play ball.

the DoJ (FBI or US Attorney’s office) has already told these guys they are subjects to a conspiracy investigation

Extremely unlikely. The feds don’t inform the suspects of suspicions, they either indict them or they do not. BTW, saying “Imma take da fif” beforehand doesn’t mean shit. You still have to show up or get indicted by the USDA DC for contempt of congress. You take the fifth in response to specific questions being asked when you are before the committee testifying under oath. If you issue a press release about “take the fif” and then don’t show up, you have not invoked the fifth amendment, and the committee is free to make a criminal referral for contempt of congress.

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