Jan. 6 Committee Asks Ivanka Trump To Cooperate With Investigation

I wanna see those 1/6 “calling off the dogs” outtakes. That blooper reel will generate much serotonin in my skull.


CBD oil and crypto are the would-be WD40 and duct tape of the ‘20s.


Or his cufflinks.


Elsewhere, it was reported that former Presidents can usually have their pick of the best lawyers. TFG can’t, because no one will risk being disbarred trying to defend him, nor does he have a great track record of paying his bills.

So, storefront lawyers are pretty much out of his reach.


And taste in bosoms.

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I do apologize for using that tired rhetorical technique of providing an example. I shall try to be more comprehensive in the future. :slight_smile:


The lasagna is passible if you don’t compare it to something else. I’ve seen that scene, and I think Bullit was partial to the Swanson Salisbury steak. He grabbed an extra.


She’s just doing her job.

And doing it, while dancing, I might add.

Freaky good. Better than food.


Dye Rudy, DYE!!!


New Around the World in 80 Days …acquired
New All Creatures Great and Small…acquired
Old All Creatures Great and Small…acquired a few weeks ago
Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries…acquiring…acquired
Upstart Crowe…acquiring

My wife and I really like Mad Men because of the time capsule, it was very well done show and we recognized plates, dishes, decorations, etc from our parents and grandparents homes. We are mid fifties in age. I especially liked the insider look at advertising and the way agencies worked, but the climbing the ladder politics didn’t appeal. Most of the people were examples of how NOT to behave, which is as helpful (often) as good examples. A friend of mine said even a misspent life is instructive for others. Mad Men came about a little before bingeing was do-able…so I do wish I could have got all 7 seasons and ripped through them instead of taking it week by week. There are lots worse series out there which seem to thrive on sex scene and F bomb overloads, and tremendous violence and Mad Men had none of that. The inside game of how advertising works and is manipulated/achieved by huge corporations and their paid gunslingers I found fascinating, but I am sure there are more scholarly treatments available. And the parade of old brands and their challenges was interesting…John Deere, Kodak, Coke, Lucky Strike, Chevrolet, Mohawk Airlines, Burger Chef, etc was fun.

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A picture . . .

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Loved Stephen Fry in Jeeves and Wooster. Spent 3 evenings watching him tell some of his “Great Mythology” stories a few years back. I could listen to him read a phone book. He was an excellent narrator for Hitchhiker’s Guide.



I hope you and Mary Trump are correct. It would be such a welcome spectacle to watch Ivanka bring down the whole house of cards that her daddy has built…and I am sure that she knows more than anyone about how false the whole thing is.

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I hope you are correct. Still, I am petty enough to want to see that plastic Barbie knocked down a peg or two by having the courts send her away for a while.

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Thank you for the more nuanced description. I’m sorry for my own more vague, general one.


I think we all knew what you meant.


Me too. Makes me crazy.

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