The Jan. 6 Committee announced on short notice that it will hold a hearing on Tuesday — tomorrow.
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The Jan. 6 Committee announced on short notice that it will hold a hearing on Tuesday — tomorrow.
Hopefully it involves Ginni Thomas.
not first! but here’s a pic anyway:
This has got to be good. Looks like I’ll be re-arranging tomorrow’s shedule.
This season of Insurrection is really shaping up. A+ to the writers room.
I’m sure this news won’t have caused any violent stomach purges among interested parties. Just more same old, same old, nothing to see here, move along. There is no house falling down in the background or anything.
My money is on: documentary footage in which tfg admits he’s lost the election and doubles down on illegal strategies to stay in office. From this week’s documentarian, Alex Holder.
probably shoulda put this posting in the WaRs.
Hope they’ve got something major and will be laying it on thick on the main criminal. Don’t let up.
It is a good move to put the hearings back in front of the distractable public. Roe decision took the spotlight. Now let’s move it back to 1/6 hearings.
Ugh. I hate these daytime hearings because I’ve been unable to catch all but one of them. And Tuesdays are tough for me to rearrange…
It’s great how we’re supposed to just carry on with life as our country crumbles all around us.
Exactly. The work on Roe will be a long but necessary haul. In the short-term, let’s nail these seditionist fuckers.
It won’t involve Ginni; she’s never going to testify. But it may involve her emails.
MSNBC does an in-depth, two hour recap of each day’s hearing starting at 8 EST (thanks for the correction in the replies!). That’s been my go-to for the hearings I’ve had to miss.
I’m sorry but - it’s a bit too soon and all to just “forget Roe.” Women can do more than one thing at a time.
BREAKING: Florida Man Squeezes Out Cinder Block in Panic.
(“Emergency Responders Called to Mar-A-Lago.”)
I don’t think that was the intent. Roe will not be forgotten and you are correct, we can and should and will do many things at once.
I’m really raw. Even my husband treats me like I’m made out of particularly breakable glass hahahahaha
Exactly. The work on Roe will be a long but necessary haul. In the short-term, let’s nail these seditionist fuckers.
Oh heck, this will be a two-fer. Whack Republicans in the mid-terms, get abortion legalized the old fashioned way.
For all the hand-wringing the press does about the Democrats, they have a truckload of ammunition to bring against their opponents this time. It’s time to let it all rain down, force Republicans to eat one 70-30 issue after another.
Interesting that TPM got this story before WaPo, nothing up there yet.
Thanks! Maybe I’ll check that out. CSPAN has full replays on their website but I’m behind. A recap may be better than a complete series binge.