A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1473661
A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
I’ve never had a cat who did this until we got this “cat,” whom we call Hazel.
Funding going well
House Republicans Pull Spending Bill at Last Minute After New York Lawmakers Express Concerns (msn.com)
House GOP government funding bill hits snag amid abortion concerns | The Hill
They charged trump with conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, i.e., conspiring to fuck up Congress’s shit. The mob he summoned was always the means of his obstruction. There is no surprise here.
Hang 'im high, Jack.
But we’re not as bad as Russia when it comes to industrial accidents - yet.
[Don’t mess with Texas’ mess!]
Texas is the top state for the numbers of incidents, which is not surprising given the state ranks highest in terms of the number of facilities – 1,558 - registered with the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) risk management program, the report says. Overall, there are close to 12,000 facilities across the nation that house “extremely hazardous chemicals” in amounts that could be harmful if accidentally released, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report issued last year.
The incidents noted in the new report led to 43 deaths, and more than 150 incidents resulted in injury, hospitalization and/or reports of acute symptoms following a chemical exposure event. Close to 200 communities were advised or required to evacuate, the report found.
“We have accepted this as a norm of the chemical industry for too long,” said Mathy Stanislaus, who served as assistant administrator of the EPA’s office of land and emergency management during the Obama administration. “ It’s become embedded in the business model of the chemical industry.”
Citing his time in government, Stanislaus said pressure from powerful industry groups made it challenging to implement effective regulation.
[Think about the money!!]
Opponents to rule changes include the US Chamber of Commerce, the American Chemistry Council, the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers and the American Petroleum Institute, among others. The opponents say most facilities already operate safely and that the facilities that would be affected by any rule changes are supplying essential goods and services that are important to the economy.
Mr Smith comes to Washington!!
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Lest we forget…there is other news. News of more war crimes by Russia.They attacked a Liberia flagged cargo ship in Odesa port a few hours ago…
We also called our ‘live-in maid’ Hazel!
I would suggest closing the bathroom door.
Our cats, playful though they have been have not been destructive or annoying.
When it comes to Dotard T rumpp, no one could possibly throw a bigger tantrum than the narcissist knowing he’s losing control of someone else’s mind.
Door #3: Israel and its supporters sure like to police language, and get very upset when people break the language law.
In my opinion …since trump said “fight like hell” in his Ellipse speech… he intended there be violence that day. It’s his coup to answer for.
… J6.
That’s not a war crime, apart from the entire conflict being a war of aggression by Russia.
I had a greyhound years ago who did this all the time. Mrs VH decided he was bored.
Turn the roll around.
And no more mess.
Hazel seems appropriate.