Ivanka And Jared’s Lawyer Threatens To Sue Over The Lincoln Project’s Times Square Billboards | Talking Points Memo

Best Times Square billboard since the smoking Camel guy.
Jarad isn’t fit to be a mop man in a peep show booth.


No … there is a not so subtle and very distinct difference between the Trump Assholes and the members of the Lincoln project

The Trump Assholes are the enemy … have lost their grip on reality and are filled with raging crazy hate … they really wish all Democrats were dead … and “moderates” too because in the Trump Assholes eyes they can’t be trusted either.

Lincoln project … they are adversarial … yes … but not homicidal …
Trump Assholes will oppose anything and everything Democrats or moderates might propose … just because…
Lincoln project will actually occasionally agree.


Can’t they afford a serious lawyer, cause that’s not lawyer talk. That’s stupid I slept at a holiday inn talk.


I would guess not myself. What is Kasowitz going to say is false? As far as I can tell the message is Mr. and Ms. Kushner have been callously indifferent to the pandemic and arguably Jared added to its difficulties. I think they could easily prove, by waving reams of comments from every possible source, that this is a reasonable opinion to have and express. I just don’t see where the Trump people find any traction.


Kinda OT. Huffpo has a good summary of Rachel’s story last night that covered the super spreader rallies, calling donnie a Johnny Appleseed of Covid.


It’s about time someone began closing in on our de facto president of the last four years and his Evita-style socialite wife, who really isn’t beloved by anyone besides her randy father.

Jared has been running the country like a dictator without the consent of the people. He didn’t receive one vote in 2016 that I know of. Yet he’s been making policy, deciding which staff stays or goes and forging treaties with foreign powers for his own personal gain.

That’s treason and apparently the Republicans who count think so, too. That’s one thing that maybe on the agenda in the new Congress. Javanka have burned almost as many bridges as Donald has with the Republican leadership. Someone has to pay for the damage to our country and to their party?

Trump will be dealing with his own grand juries. He will probably blame Jared for his downfall.


Manhattan is viewed as a big populous city and it is. However, I suspect their circle of friends and welcoming neighbors has shrunk considerably over 4 years. Maybe they retreat to the mansion at Seven Springs. They do have mega $$$ but I’m hoping they are too toxic and radioactive for the rest of their lives to be welcomed back to their prior circle of friends. Maybe they can hang with Don Jr and screaming Kimberly. That would be hell on earth.


Of course it’s true. Remember, this is the guy who thinks Kanye is his best representative to get Blacks voting for him.

About the billboard, on the one hand it’s a waste of money because NY is going for Biden anyway. On the other hand, it’s a great Javanka burn and they haven’t paid enough (yet) for being complicit. I hope this is just the start.


Jared and Ivanka continue to treat Covid as a P.R. problem. Per worldometers 229,000 Americans are dead due to Covid. Keep trying to spin that Jarvanka. Meanwhile the numbers keep rising and rather than focus on the health and well being of Americans, your hired goons send threatening letters. How about those priorities.


I am good at a poker face.


The occasional tourist is found in Times Square. The question is how many actual New Yorkers would see it. :smile:


I’d prefer them securely incarcerated but I’ll settle for what I can get.


As quoted in “Network” movie…I just can’t take it anymore!


The Kasowitz letter sent on their behalf has just guaranteed that more than NYC will see the billboard. You have to love it.


The Donny Appleseed of Covid. Or as he’s been called the super spreader in chief.


Ha ha ha. The billboard’s are brilliant. And they obviously hit those two where it hurts.

They can suck eggs. Actions have consequences.


North Dakota is a very sad mess.

My god, I cry so much for North Dakota and the Midwest right now. We are just at the beginning of the wave of deaths that are coming.

North Dakota has the highest mortality in the world. Higher than ANY country.

(Analysis by my FAS team. HT @euromaestro). #COVID19 pic.twitter.com/WirlY0o1AQ

— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) October 23, 2020

“I’m going to sue” is a knee jerk response from people of independent wealth. It takes the issue away from moral arguments of right and wrong to one of courts and money…where the prince and princess can fight. The other battle field…right vs wrong is no place they want to be. In this case the Kushner’s are holding a pair of deuces which allows you to bluff until your hand is called. Nuts…they’ve been called.


My huge belly laugh for a Saturday morning. if it is too clueless to be true…they are all over it!


They should make a lot of new friends in a prison somewhere soon?

Before the Steve Schmidts of the GOP get done with them? The Lincoln Project has had other priorities besides offering Trump up on a skewer to state criminal grand juries and federal probes. They are out for blood. Their righteous indignation grows daily.

The wolves are circling closer and closer to their prey. The Lincoln Project has laid the ground for an attack that will make the kill seem patriotic.