The Golden Rule Paradox: Republicans do not enjoy being treated the way they treat others. Who coulda guessed?
But could you suppress your giggles during your questioning at the depositions? a la shooting fish in a barrel.
Please proceed, the discovery should be…enlightening.
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner’s lawyer is threatening to sue
Why isn’t the family firm of Barr & Associates lead counsel? Regardless, I’m sure the Trump 2020 campaign is footing the bill
Post of mine from another thread:
[My wife has told me that Trump has tasked Ivanka to “reach out” to suburban WW.
This can’t be true, can it? It’s too clueless to be true.]
Electioneering Ads have been consistently been allowed in courts no matter how egregiously wrong of person’s record. They are part of Admin and active in its policies, therefore are fair game. The anti abortion group Susan B Anthony is notorious for this tactic.
Reading the complete statement is f*cking delicious.
Serious burn there.
Ok, they’re malicious, but they are definitely not false and they are certainly not defamatory, which is defined as “damaging the good reputation of someone”. It’s impossible to damage what doesn’t exist.
I’m not so sure
I believe some have seen the light
They’re not going to sue. GOP’ers have worn that cry wolf out. The Lincoln Project is not made up of dummies and I’m sure they had good counsel before they took this on. Ivanka and Jered had this coming. I’m sure they have no idea what’s going on though. The pampered prince and princess are being called down. Being held to task…which is “so unfair”…
Fuck the two of them.
Can’t wait to see what they do after the election.
Feckless snowflakes.
Let me give them some additional reading. In Rosenblatt v. Baer (1966), the Court held that public officials include not just those in elected positions, but also people like Ivanka and Jared who work for elected officers.
If that isn’t enough the Court extended the actual malice rule of Times v. Sullivan to public figures in Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts (1967) and Associated Press v. Walker (1967).
They have got to show the Lincoln Project had actual malice to survive a motion for summary judgement. “Actual Malice” means a public official, or a public figure must show that the statements on the billboard were made with “knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.”
Trump should be on one of those himself. And it should be the biggest, most beautiful billboard people have ever seen.
Great idea.
In Times Square, they’re preaching to the converted.
I hope Kasowitz succeeds in his attempt to garner a much larger audience.