Its Time To Cast Your Vote For The Duke Of Dukes | Talking Points Memo

Alas, Michele Bachmann’s unhinged diatribes about terrorist Muslims infiltrating the U.S. government could not top Dinesh D’Souza’s batshit. Mark Sanford’s romantic adventures were deemed by readers to be no match for Dick Cheney shooting his buddy in the face — and then forcing said buddy to apologize for Cheney having shot him in the face.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

With all of the great Dukes available it was hard to chose Giuliani over Falwell since they both should be finalists for their current antics.


Yes it’s hard to choose since they’re all garbage.

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Duncan Hunter v Manafort was hard … but Manafort has damaged the entire country. He “wins.”


I have been trying to vote for the people here who I think are most personally corrupt. Just being a disgusting asswipe or a dishonest piece of scum isn’t enough, to my mind – you really have to be working hard to use your position for personal enrichment and gain.

(That’s why, btw, I thought it was unfortunate that rudi and jerry were matched against each other. Both could have made it to the finals if matched against someone else.)


It’s so hard to choose in many of the pairings, but when in doubt, I went with long-term evil over short-term embarrassment. For example, in retrospect Rob Ford is a tragedy, Chris Farley’s evil twin gone into politics. And my Canadian relatives were aghast at his antics. But for all his maliciousness, Toronto is still standing. On the other hand, D’Souza has been a holier-than-thou hypocrite since his college days, and has learned nothing. (At least Ford went into rehab.)

It is amazing to look back on some of these people and think how shocked – shocked! – we were by their behavior. Penny-ante stuff compared to what Trump and his henchpeople brought us.


Totally agree…we are talking top seeds in the same bracket.


Falwell for sure, I think it’s a much better scandal. Anytime sex and preachers mix it’s pure entertainment.


So many with great talent and just outstanding ballsiness that it is really hard to choose. Some are old-time favorites such as Duke, but we now have more current and up-rising stars such as Rudy and Fawell. Out with the old, in with the new!


I confess that I want Jerry Falwell Jr to win. And I know that he’s gonna do the Jimmy Swaggart thing and get back in the tax-exempt Pulpit Pimping business!


Cheney, but for oh, so much more than shooting a lawyer who apologized for existing downrange. This man was put in charge of selecting GW Bush’s vice and said, “Oh, hey, how about me? I’m available!” Hilarity and many dead bodies in Iraq ensued.


I went with Falwell. The sanctimoniousness, the wife being into all the sexy time, the whole thing is just sordid. Giuliani is, I think, a far worse human being who has done worse things, but he’s not scandalous the way Jerry was.


For me it’s not about damage, it’s about the quality of the scandal itself. Hunter throwing his wife under the bus totally makes it for me, the special kind of uniqueness that trumps (no pun intended) Manafort’s literal war crimes (when it comes to scandaling anyway)


Something, someone, is missing from this list, the biggest grifter, the most dishonest broker and the most self-interested public official in American History: The Donald, himself. These finalists are amateurs by comparison; no one else comes close.


We are not amused. Being the single creepiest person on earth doesn’t have any lightness whatsoever. Hunter’s comeuppance was a joy to watch as it unfolded.


Same here. He encapsulates the past 40 years of Republican politics in our country. Fealty towards the far right evangelical base has done plenty of damage to institutions particularly over the past 5 years.

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Hunter Vs Manafort was a hard one for me, but in the end the choice was clear. Vile despicable scum on one hand and traitor on the other. >.<


Rudy is putting up HOF numbers this year…but remember he’s always shown this potential with his side hustles as Mayor and then onto being a “information security consultant”.

The BS runs in his veins…and even dripped down his jawline not too long ago.


Did the rules prohibit Donald Trump from being in the “tournament?”
I would have thought he would be the prohibitive favorite.


Why did you make me choose between Rudy Giuliani and Jerry Falwell, Jr.??? That was tough!

But given what the religious right has done to our country - how faith-based thinking has entirely captured the Republican Party (reality means nothing to them anymore) - if it’s got a religious component, I’ve got to go for it.

Now, yes, every Republican caught in a scandal brings up Jesus, I know that. But Jerry Falwell, Jr. - and Dinesh D’Souza, too! - specialize in religious scams. Even for Republicans, they’re slimy!