It’s called Golden Dukes…not Golden Douche
I went with Rudes, but reluctantly.
In terms of damage to the social fabric, Rudy’s just head-and-shoulders above Jerry, Jr. Evangelical preachers and sex scandals are entertaining. I think that is because of the schadenfreudelicious mix of hypocrisy and sex, and in Junior’s case fairly kinky sex. I mean, this isn’t exactly balling the church secretary: this is on a par with preacher’s wife having a D/s relationship with the church secretary while the preacher watches.
So, even though Junior’s sex scandal is outre, the fact remains that (evangelical) preachers and sex scandals are pretty damned commonplace: Ted Haggard anyone? How about Jim Bakker? Tony Alamo? Jimmy “Oh my Lord I have sinned against you!” Swaggart?
So, despite the schadenfreudeliciousness of voting for Jerry Jr, I went with Rudes. I can certainly understand voting the other way.
A truly tough set of votes. In the spirit of the man himself, I went with the most clownish and absurd and venal, not the most damaging to our country.
I’m assuming that Trump is not on this list because he would obviously win, thus obviating the need for a tournament in the same way he obviated the need for satire, correct?
But, if that’s the case, maybe you should rename the award in his dis-honor.
I generally choose damage to the country over sexual stuff. So directed were my votes. (Excepting that idiot from Alabama, Roy Moore. There are limits to everything. Are you listening Hastert and Jordan?)
I go for Rank hypocrisy over stupid corruption. Foley over Blagojevich. But Blago gets extra points for general douche factor and the hair.
Unfortunately, Falwell will be perfectly fine with coming in second.
Paul Manafort is a ground breaker in the field of political corruption, innovative in taking a truly international approach, with all of it corrupt. He combined ruthless traitorous vision, greedy motivation and careless disregard for potential prosecution, to inject our most aggressive foreign adversary as a central ally of the political campaign of the Presidential campaign he was running, playing it out in the most traitorous and corrupt way possible, and then attempting to shamelessly grift on top of it as well. That was after he had served one of the most ruthless authoritarian puppets of Putin in Ukraine in a most notably corrupt fashion that got people killed, and laundering money out the whaziggy in the process, so you might have thought he would lay low to escape notice for awhile. But not Paul Manafort, his notable lack of shame among the shameless, utter subservience to his greed, as well as his weird exploitative sex kinks he forced on his wife puts him into a league that will be hard to match in straight up comparisons to anyone else. I had to vote for him.
I’m going to write-in Rudy Falwell and ask for a recount.
I’m already projecting JFJ for this year’s trophy. This year Falwell’s fall from grace was Icarus-like to say the least. Not only did he insist that students show up on campus at LU during a pandemic (which he denied early on), he also decided to show his misguided pic of him with his pants unbuttoned, along with another woman (not his wife) with her pants unbuttoned-- something that is verboten at LU. But it had to be that, after receiving a $10 million settlement as a severance package from the university, to turn around and sue the university, to clinch the “win” for me.
Jerry and Rudy could team up and star in “Borat 3: The Unbuttoning.”
I vote for trump…the duke of the dukes of the dukes of the dukes!
Since Trump (the obvious deserved winner) has been inexplicably removed from contention, as elsewhere suggested, in his honor the competition should be permanently renamed “The Donald Dukes.”
I went with Traficant, but only because he was killed in a bizarre farming accident.
Am I the only one who thinks it is vastly unfair for Falwell and Ghoulianni to be in the same bracket? Either of those could be a clear winner.
FIRST off, I ‘always’ vote for Dick Cheney.
Dinesh D’Souza over Rob Ford: FORD was a sick man, D’Souza is in command of his faculties and he is just a POS in my opinion.
Duncan Hunter blamed it all on his wife; I gather she is divorcing him; I hope she gets everything and he is left to cadge for food out of dumpsters.
Wonder why he dropped his suit against Liberty U; they owe him a lot of money by a contract they wrote EVEN KNOWING what a bottom-dweller he is. Take the money and find LOTS of pool boys, Jerry.
Didn’t they come to an “amicable” agreement? I suspect that discovery regarding the couple’s behavior with undergraduates might have been…
no picnic.
I found most of my selections were for attempts to subvert normal gov’t operations vs. personal idiocy, but Anthony Weiner and Dinesh D’Souza stood out as particularly good examples of completely ruining one’s reputation for absolutely stupid reasons. When compared to taking bribes for Chicago’s reps, or closing down a bridge to get back at a mayor, I still think dick pics and easily discovered tax evasion are worthy of the Duke.
This vote is totally rigged! #BoycottGoldenDukes! #BoycottGD!