Former President Trump’s grievance-filled rant during the RNC’s spring donor retreat over the weekend, which included his ongoing attacks against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), appeared to draw lukewarm responses from some Republicans.
And to think, it only took almost five (5) years for the GQP to even remotely begin to realize that T**** is certifiably, irretrievably, non-Nobel prize winning level, insane.
Let’s get back to our principles. Let’s stop the personality divisions that we have
Seriously, it is a bit late Governor Hutchison. What are the party principles? There aren’t any. The party platform is whatever Trump wants and that is all grievance all the time. Trump is the proverbial albatross hanging around the neck of the GOP. You cannot quit him.
Republicans are giving the word “dour” a workout. Trump called McConnell “dour” a while ago. Not a word that gets used often, so it stood out. Hard not to conclude that anonymous R who called Trump “dour” yesterday was quoting it back at him. I don’t believe any of them have a clear sense of what it means.
“It was horrible, it was long and negative,” one attendee with a donor at the event told Politico Playbook. “It was dour. He didn’t talk about the positive things that his administration has done.”
Positive by who’s definition? Even with a very lenient definition, this is a needle in a haystack search.
Whiny little bitch Republicans not happy with their messiah? I love that they are starting to realize they are screwed. This is who they have chosen to support. Tshit is who they are.
“If that were (Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer) instead of this dumb son of a bitch Mitch McConnell they would never allow it to happen. They would have fought it."
Donald Trump is a coward who depends on other people to break the law for him.
The former president’s long-winded rant reportedly received mixed reviews, with some donors leaving for a bus back to the hotel in the middle of Trump’s remarks.
Well, at least they got a bus, which, if memory serves, is a lot more than what many of his supporters received during the campaign. And in freezing cold weather at that.
If they don’t like that he’s whining and complaining and airing his grievances, I suppose that’s a kind of progress. But that was literally all he ever did. They could have figured that out before he wrecked the country.
This is how stupid Trump is. Completely unable to craft a message to donors that gets them onboard his brand. He could’ve applauded “voting reforms” that go along way towards preventing another “steal”, and then emphasized what Americans want: closed borders, clamping down on illegal immigration, an end to affirmative action, and the rest of his hate screed.
Then he could reinforce his brand saying he’ll take his message on the road and speak to the people at rallies. An announcement that would scare the shit out of the donors, scaring them into submission.
There is still time for Trump to hit the road to rebuild his brand, but if he doesn’t show donors that only HE can produce the votes, he’ll become less and less relevant.
If it sounds like I am disappointed with this, it’s because I am. Unless Trump stays relevant, the chances of gifted Senate and Rep seats to Dems in 2022 because a Trumpist took the nomination - seriously handicapping their ticket where it otherwise would’ve been competitive.
Don’t get me wrong, I want Trump to disappear. Just not yet. His poison is dangerous to Republican chances in 2022, and Democrats gains in the midterms would entrench Republicans as ever more a minoritarian party with ever declining chances at winning national and statewide races.
[“It was horrible, it was long and negative,” one attendee with a donor at the event told Politico Playbook. “It was dour. He didn’t talk about the positive things that his administration has done.”]
That attendee was ordered to say that. Individual One was too wrapped up in feeling sorry for himself.
Yes. I imagine it must suck to be wealthy beyond measure, to command thousands of underlings, to have the richest and most powerful across the world on your Rolodex, and have to sit and listen to a raving, narcissist and lunatic ramble through his greatest hits, which were never great and not a hit. And to pay dearly for the displeasure.