Donald Trump was hit with a gag order on Monday thanks in part to a judge who understands how the former president manipulates technology and communications to bully people into silence.
A tweet, do they still call it that, will pop up on Pravda, truth or whatever, that violates the gag order and tRump will claim one of the minions wrote it.
trump deserves to be in jail right now if not for his threats then for the felonies he has obviously committed and that he has freely admitted to on camera.
I read the order- it was well written and clear. It also included a smack down on DJT’s attorneys citing cases that did not support their arguments.
The defense’s position that no limits may be placed on Defendant’s speech because he is engaged in a political campaign is untenable, and the cases it cites do not so hold. The Circuit Courts in both United States v. Brown and United States v. Ford recognized that First Amendment rights must yield to the imperative of a fair trial. 218 F.3d 415, 424 (2000); 830 F.2d 596, 599 (1987).
Not a good way to conduct yourself Lauro and company.
It’s frustrating and disheartening to see a so called “independent thinking Judge” put up with this shit from Trump. If you or I did a fraction of this crap we’d be sitting in jail waiting for an appearance. No matter how much love for Chutkan floats around she’s kissing Trump’s as just about as much as that quack Judge in Florida. No way to deny the exceptional and special treatment she’s giving this POS.
She has to give the order first before she can sanction/punish him. Of course any other court case has the assumption is do not talk about the case in social media or the main stream.
Is he going to go on about “Republicans eating their young” or is he still saying he beat Obama in 2016? Maybe he can talk about how water pressure of showers and toilets have suffered under the Biden regime*.
*this is all shit he’s spoken of during his campaign rallies/airing of grievances.