Why not? Da judge ain’t gonna do nuthin but mebbe fine him some $$. Residing in a lock up until a trial is very appropriate. That way I expect there would be minimal delays
I’m savoring every word the Judge wrote.
For what it’s worth, the way I avoid getting too frustrated is to focus on how this judge is walking a tightrope between what needs to be done to protect the court and prevent contaminating the jury pool, and what needs to be done to prevent Trump from appeals that would delay the trial, or even overturn a conviction.
With a narrowly targeted gag order, Trump has no hope of appealing it and delaying the trial. He might still try, but it will be quickly shot down. The judge has also (probably) closed off an appeal on conviction based on depriving him of his 1A rights. I don’t see this as ass-kissing. She’s doing a good job, considering what she’s been handed as a historic case.
Nope. Not at all.
You and I are not tRump We do not have his bully pulpit nor can we conjure up a horde of flying poo flinging monkeys to do our bidding while we play golf. Judge Chutkan is being very deliberate and measured with this ruling. She’s doing her best to deny him opportunities to both put people in harms way and fundraise.
It’s not as if the defendant here is Rudy G. or any other somewhat normal criminal.
It is a sad day when a supposed leading candidate for high office must be treated as though he were a 5 yr old being corrected by a caring parent attempting to avoid spanking the shit outta the kid in an old man’s body
Abnormal criminal
One day, hopefully within my lifetime, I will see this puke put in a very secure lock up where the Secret Service will not be needed. All due process observed of course.
We’ve had many sad days as a nation since 2016. But the walls are slowly, surely, inexorably closing in on the MF’er.
I think your hypothesis blows away the American concept of “equal under that law”. In America Courts do not surrender to threat, power or status. None of that matters.
It damn well better stay that way in my opinion
She’s given the order and in less than 24 hours Trump pushed it to the limit in making her the subject of his mouth. She should amend the order to include her and enforce it with arrest, like she would you or I, if he breeches. Trump is the way he is…because he’s never been held to count.
Again I emphasize that trump IS AN OLD MAN. Just barely older than me and I am all too aware of what “old age” feels like
The political campaign is an historic obstruction of justice.
Disagree. She’s doing everything she can to get to trial before the 2024 election. Cannon’s objective is to sail blithely by that date by allowing delays to pile up because it’s all so complicated and the defence needs so much time and… due process something something.
Well said. He’s like that bratty child in the restaurant racing around the table and yelling, knocking into the wait staff and bumping into diner’s chairs. He or she is like that because Mom and Dad never found it convenient to teach the child better manners/behavior. These things start early.
Can Judge Chutkan force TFG to physically appear in her courtroom for every hearing? He’s able to skip them now as a courtesy, right?
Old and unhealthy. I really really want the MF’er to live long enough to actually get all the way enslammerated. After that, he’s welcome to stroke out any time he sees fit.
There has been a marked change regarding Trumps situation. The loss of his company has hit him hard. He can not deal with it. Trump is going down slow and ugly.
Would prefer fast and hideous…
Yes, once the trial starts. I don’t think it’s unusual for the defendant to skip hearings on pre-trial motions.
It can only get worse for Gym. Now that enough have said NO!!! in the first round, it’ll be easier to join the club. And if it hasn’t become part of the Congressional Record, yet, his history as an enabler of sexual abuse, as an active insurrectionist and as a flaming ignoramus is gonna get discussed, publicly and at length in the coming rounds of debate.