Picture the Iowa Department of Human Services director rollin’.
The Associated Press reported on Tuesday that 66-year-old Jerry Foxhoven was asked to resign after repeatedly declaring his unwavering dedication to ’90s rapper Tupac and his music during work hours.
I remember working at a hospital when an anesthesiologist was formally reprimanded and suspended from practice because he wouldn’t stop trying to sell Amway to the surgical staff during surgeries.
From what I’m reading on Tim Mak’s twitter feed, Jerry’s co-workers clearly thought very highly of him. They brought him Tupac cookies on his birthday!
As @birdford said above, “The heart wants what it wants”
Ari is a really smart guy, and says a lot of correct things.
But the worst part of his show is invariably the guaranteed failures of his musical citations. 100% of the time his guests look at him like he is an idiot, and it is incredibly awkward. I cannot understand why he has not given up on trying to remind the audience of how cool he is with this failed technique. It is terrible.
In a past life, I worked for an anesthesiologist association and can confirm.
I think the best was when a former member took a photo of an unconscious patient with black electrical tape on her face to create a fake mustache. Since it was all in jest, he couldn’t figure out why he was fired when the photos went viral.