Those administering the Iowa caucuses this year faced increased complexity in their task amid rules changes and a decision to use a third-party app to transmit election results.
They used a free tier of service for which platform? Because in addition to reduced features and capacity, free tiers generally don’t have quality-of-service or reliability guarantees.
(Also, since Nevada was going to be using this app as well it sounds as if they had something pseudo-off-the-shelf and were customizing it for multiple states at $60K a pop. Except that multi-stage caucuses don’t fit the architecture of any other kind of election…)
I mean, really? This should just be a data collection app, dumping three sets of data into a database. I realize that there’s an element of security here, but it can’t be that complicated unless it’s over-engineered and the complexity is self-made. But maybe I’m just too naive and unskilled at making these things, who knows.
I don’t buy the notion that a properly functioning app would have been too expensive. Don’t tell me that there aren’t competent app designers out there who wouldn’t do this at cost.
" One of the big hopes of the Iowa caucus was for it to bring clarity to a divided campaign season. Instead, it brought what one former Iowa party chairman has called“a systemwide disaster,”with results still delayed as of this morning. How does this affect the Democratic primary going forward?"
Why the hell was this an “App” at all? This fetish of making absolutely everything a mobile app has gotten way out of hand.
For something as simple as submitting a modest amount of data to a server (even with all the extra complexity having this many candidates, and three rounds or “alignments” or whatever they’re called), a web browser based tool with a proper SSL certificate would have been amply secure, accessible via a laptop instead of just mobile devices, wouldn’t require users to install updates at the last minute as bugs are worked out, and wouldn’t cause any anxiety over seeing warning messages about going to a site called “TestFairy.”
It wouldn’t pass muster on security these days, but about 20 years ago the town I lived in elected its board via a two-tier voting system. The votes were fed into a SAS program written by a local programmer. The results were updated on a screen every 2,000 votes, or 15 minutes. Worked like a charm