The Interior Department is transferring about 500 acres of public land to the Pentagon in order to construct about 70 miles of President Trump’s border wall, the Wall Street Journal reported.
Correct and the vanity says fuck unique areas of the plant, who gives a shit if it is destroyed once gone no one will remember or care.
Edit: I’ll also ask just how many 1000’s of acres will be torn up and never transferred and/or remediated. Repairs in a desert area that take decades to recover if that is even possible. If you looked at the video/stills within the ads put out by the border wall grifters you would have seen that it was not just 100 feet along the border torn up but 200/300/400 feet back. Running heavy equipment also compacts the soil making it even more important to remediate .
I don’t know if this specifically references land at Organ Pipe National Monument, but some of the planned new construction there will imperil the irreplaceable oasis of Quitobaquito. I had the privilege of doing some bird survey work there for the NPS while I was a graduate student. All of these barriers are going to impact wildlife that cannot fly over/ tunnel under them. Of course, the drug cartels will keep tunneling…
The GOP is nothing more than a crime organization, but it’s proving over and over that crime pays. Democrats are terrified of pissing off GOP leaders/voters even though no republican voter will EVER vote for a Democrat. Now, with utter contempt for the law and/or ethics, the rotten Trump Admin simply charges ahead with financial crimes and with building this insane wall. Dems will just wring their hands and “tut tut” at how bad the GOP is. Meanwhile, the wall proceeds as if Dems are just letting it happen…oh, wait.
Slightly OT but more outrageous than the land grab.
Trying to make America sick again. Starting with California. Going back to carbon monoxide. Popular way to commit suicide.
On June 1st outside the W/H trump declared that corporate profits were more important than the environment.
"In order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and It’s citizens, the United Stated will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord
So true, logging interest in the PacNW want more land to rape and this maladministration is bound and determined to give it to them. Then we got the coal folks in UT and MT that want to strip for coal that no one wants any longer.
This is most definitely not my area of law. It seems to me, though, that something is not quite right with this transfer in that there is nothing I am aware of that would prevent the BLM from continuing to manage the lands while the wall is built on those lands (setting aside all of the other issues that led us here). Why the need to transfer to DoD? They manage land for bases, training facilities, firing ranges, etc.- all active uses in support of their mission. The wall isn’t any of those things. I can only surmise that this allows them to proceed with construction without complying with the 1976 FLPMA and other laws governing how public lands are managed by BLM? The DoD was raided (illegally, but no matter!) to pay for this vanity project, but they aren’t contracting this work so what’s their role?
Add this to the infinite list of shit that would be shut down by the Courts if we lived a world where the bandwidth for dealing with corruption hasn’t been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of criminal activity undertaken by and on behalf of this fucker.
how is this legal??? It’s like transferring Defense funds to the wall-- Trump just DOES these things that ought to require Congressional approval, and no one does anything.
Gives cover for the next Dem President to transfer all oil and gas developed public land to the NPS. Would stop pretty much all drilling on public lands.