That’s, uh, quite the logical leap there.
Needs another editing pass. Maybe sleep on it.
That’s, uh, quite the logical leap there.
Needs another editing pass. Maybe sleep on it.
Just a guess, but the land is probably now controlled by the Corps of Engineers. I think they usually (always?) control the land on which they have projects to build and maintain.
Those of you who’ve never had an opportunity to work with the Corps of Engineers may not realize just how scary that is…
The land transfer has drawn ire from environmental groups who are concerned about nearly 100 threatened or endangered species that would be impacted by the construction of the wall.
Mexicans and Central Americans are not a another species.
Too strong ? I was born & raised in that smog. It kills things and causes cancer. That was over 52 years ago. Since then a lot of progress has been made to clean the air. tRump wanting to reverse that in the name of corporate greed is nothing less than insanity.
Trump has NOT built ONE FOOT of wall although given $1.6 BILLION ($3.2 billion when proven serial liar Trump tells the story). And Mexico’s contribution to the wall construction ZERO. The only people making a contribution to Trump’s vanity project seized land owners and our military forced to from other important defense projects. Yep Donny, new security technology from 16th century China.
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So will the transferred property become a military reservation, inaccessible to the public?
The eventual Democratic nominee should pledge to tear down any wall that Dump builds and to cover the remains with a blanket of wildflowers, Lady Bird Johnson style.
Trump visits his vanity wall and as usual immediately has to be scolded that he’s giving away the only new security technology improvement since the 16th century China security wall technology. No wonder Putin so enthusiastically endorsed Dumb Donny in addition to a nation divider he’s a clueless secrets leaker. Putin got a 2fer.
Maybe the drug cartels will be nice enough to put in separate runs for the birds.
I’m hoping the Sierra Club or some other environmental group sues because no meaningful environmental impact statement has been filed.
It would be useful to know where this acreage is. What shape are the plots? End to end or big squares?? Converting acres to linear miles I get 500 acres = 8.84 miles
The math does not work out to 70 miles of border wall
Any wall trump can erect a trebuchet can defeat.
Neener neener donald.
A wall was constructed some years ago near Lukeville, AZ without any consideration as to rainfall, our monsoon season or water run off. As a consequence large sections of the fancy new wall were destroyed by debris flows and water flooding local arroyos (stream beds).
Sheer brilliance.
oh boy…the graft and corruption on CORPS projects is mind blowing…
David Bernhardt, President Donald Trump’s nominee to be Interior Secretary…
Damn the few folks he has in various positions are either acting or just a nominee!
The birds will be fine. Jaguars, antelope, Desert pupfish, ocelot… not so much.
Forget the Deep State, these kleptocrats steal stuff right in broad daylight.