One recent message promises that donations will be increased by 1000 percent, another by 10x
Minor footnote: 1000% is 10x
One recent message promises that donations will be increased by 1000 percent, another by 10x
Minor footnote: 1000% is 10x
The PAC is intrinsically a scam. Mr. Bone’s PAC hires Mr. Stannon to write fundraising emails. Mr. Stannon’s PAC hires Mr. Bone to do the same. The donations are kited and laundered back and forth, ultimately spent on the enrichment of Bone and Stannon.
Desperate people do desperate things. They also do illegal things…
Another day, another crime–that’s just how he rolls. And boy! Can he roll!
Well, this sucks.
Maybe tdfg will be indicted today to cheer me up.
It’s always been hard for me to imagine Texas electing Beto. I realize he’s come close but he just doesn’t seem the type
I doubt that such logic is even within the capabilities of the Trump follower.
Because Goopers have made the FEC a toothless lion, barely able to enforce its own regulations. I for one would LOVE the FEC to have real enforcement power.
As long as the DCCC spends money on MAGA opponents to a “sane” Republican, democratic candidates like Tamie don’t have much of a chance.
The worst for me is the daily text from Rev. Warnock – who I support, but come on! I don’t need a daily nag to send money.
MAGAts don’t do math.
He’s definitely a viable Democratic candidate. He consistently ran about 3-4 points against Cruz, which was remarkably close.
Let’s hope other polls are more encouraging.
In the words of Captain Kirk, “Why does God need a starship?”
I suggest a 10x match when the judge sentences Trump. Judge says ‘10 years’ trump serves 100 years.
TFG is like a multitude of televangelists over the years. He can do no wrong since he is on a mission from above. Little that could be reported about him would sway his most ardent supporters.
If the Dotard rolled out in his older, refurbished 757 and claimed that God said he specifically needed a new 777-9 to save America from the Democrats, many rubes would gladly contribute again and again w/o hesitation.
Saturday I hung out with a couple who live in Austin. They love Beto, but grimaced when I asked what his chances were. They see Beto as a long shot.
This indicates Trump’s worsening state.
I get daily (sometimes >1 per day) from ACTBLUE with the same things. It’s all boilerplate, including the multiplied donations. But I never thought about running up against any limits because I never donate more than $25 at a time. Now I wonder if any of the “matching” donations are real.
This year I started avoiding ACTBLUE and sending donations (still small ones) via campaign websites for specific candidates. But I have still given about $50 to ACTBLUE.
“Fools and their money are soon parted.’