He had thrown what dwindling political capital he had behind Sinbad the comedian, a key ally in his quixotic bid to win the 2010 season of Celebrity Apprentice.
Which one or two or three of Dear Corrupt Leader’s family member(s) or BFFs is he protecting by setting a precedent of pardoning Blagojevich’s crimes - sweeping pay to play and influence peddling by selling Obama’s senate seat? Or is he protecting himself?
Did Josh Kovensky actually sit down and watch old episodes of Celebrity Apprentice to get these quotes and this background?
Why would someone do that to himself? Or was it some kind of initiation ritual or workplace punishment? (I thought the TPM employees’ union would help prevent something like that.)
Trump will wield the pardon in any way he sees fit.
Friend of his? Pardoned.
Cohort in crime? Pardoned.
Sycophant? Pardoned (maybe), but he will toy with you first, ahem Rod.
The man is a psychopath and enjoys toying with people’s lives.
In my defense, living in New York, I always knew Trump was a deadbeat real estate “tycoon” who didn’t pay his contractors, as most New Yorkers did, but I never ever watched his crappy show. Unlike him, and apparently quite a bit of America, I don’t get off on watching people being abused. So I was unaware until his Birther BS and the 2016 election, just how depraved he really is.