A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo.
The New York Times and the Washington Post both used that same language last night to describe how Donald Trump and his team at Mar-a-Lago felt as news broke that the former president had been indicted by the Manhattan’s DA’s office. No one was expecting it.
DonALD trUMP, AMErica’s FavORITE presIDEnt, coNTINues TO BE haRAssed ANd ToRMEnted bY RaciST SOROS-BAck DeMOns froM the LEft. SaTan IS LITeraLLY being MURDERED, politically, by thE ANIMAL Alvin BraGG. BiLLIONs of AmericaNs will TaKE to the strEET to PROtest ThiS EVIL brOUGht to TRUmp by JEW baCKed reVErse-RacisTS and BRing WanTOn destruCTion to The Street. ThaNKs, Libtards. AmeriCA will BurN becAUSE of Your WeaponIZation of the CourTS!!!1!1!!!one!1!1!!1!!!
the former president reportedly spent his first night as an indicted man making sure his friendships weren’t fair-weather.
Uh, fair-weather, foul-weather, that former president has no friends and he knows it. Even if someone tried to be his friend he would blow it within a week.
What Does It Mean That DeSantis Plans To Fight It?
FFS, TPM, deSnivel didn’t say he’d fight a TFG extradition. He just said he wouldn’t aid it. Which means fuckall given that TFG is going to board his small citation-X jet and fly to NYC on schedule for his arraignment.
My sweetie and I had an early dinner and binged the end of season 1 of the new Perry Mason series on HBOMax last night.
Having missed all the celebratory fanfare last night-- I’m going to mark the occasion today by doing tequila shots when the clock strikes 3/30 this afternoon.