Insane Christmas Photo From GOP Congressman’s Family To Yours | Talking Points Memo

The havennots were not the people who raised the statue.

For some reason when I saw the Massie family photo, I remembered the gruesome images of children carrying guns, weapons of mass destruction or explosive devices in impoverished, terrorist infested locations such as Pakisatan, Sudan, Somalia and the Congo.

I hope the children and young adults in the photo are safe, have not been abused and are not being used as props and pawns.

You think this is new? My ex-wife has a friend who married an incredibly rich guy 40 years her senior (I think of her as a concubine, but I digress). Two months after Sandy Hook we received a Christmas card from them where the old fuck is holding (I swear to god) an AR-15. That was a real fuck you to everyone, and spoke loud and clear about what cunts the rich are. He’s dead now, but I pray every day his death was slow and painful and he was terrified at the end. Piece of shit.

This is a sweet gesture and in my view, appropriate and sufficient. I hope that President Biden’s does not have anything more elaborate planned.

My thoughts go out to the families who lost their children in the senseless school shooting in Michigan.

And I extend my thoughts and best wishes to Bob Dole’s soul for a pleasant journey and fair treatment in the afterlife.

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Every year our Sunday School superintendent would buy those plastic canes filled with candy to distribute to the kids after the Christmas pageant. And every year those kids would dash around the basement of the church busily pretending to shoot each other. I don’t think any of them had toy guns at home. Mine didn’t. Eventually they ate the candy.

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Yeah, well we just took to whacking them with hammers on the sidewalk. The caps, not the guns. I can remember that smell still.

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Dollar stores are rarely much of a bargain and you put your finger on the reason why.

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Thank you for giving a well-needed Public Service Announcement, so to speak. I am glad you have your life under good control – by you, your docs, and your family!

Safe travels tomorrow! :hugs:


This is a real good time to remind us all that association does not equal causation. This is not by any means a robust, controlled, research study.

I know I’m late to the party …
DDs PsyD dissertation was on Moral Injury, using data from the questionnaires that had been filled out by service members who served in the 'Nam era ( NVVRS). Others had apparently worked with the more ‘fill in the dot’ questions/answers, but she and her lab-mates read and worked with the written answers. In the mid-00s. From 'Nam. She’s a clinical psychologist at the VA now. Trying to help.


Curious as to who is genius idea.

The congressman?

A member of his family?

A member of his staff?

According to the NY Times, Florida’s 7 day average case rate (2100) over the past few days is double that of Connecticut (974).


Pardon me, but who is DD? I know the concept of moral injury was first described/named by Jonathan Shay in the mid 1990s. He attributed much of the "dissonance’ felt by people who were “burned out” to the malpractice and ineptitude of leadership. It’s been around for a long time. He did his research on Vietnam Vets. But described it as around since ancient times. He’s behind the Shay Moral Injury Center, and also a MacArthur Foundation grantee. I am obviously very interested in this topic.

I have no idea what the discussion is…lol

I think I only went into one once, and that was back when they first became a thing. I used to work with a girl, yes she was young at the time, who spent a lot of money in there. She would stop off on her way to work and show me all the stuff=junk that she bought.

Not exactly true. The late Nobelist economist Tom Schelling did an analysis that showed that smokers died early, and with lung cancer, quickly and cheaply, in collecting social security such that it was a net benefit to society and non smokers. It was considered outrageous but as far as I know never refuted.


DD is typical (?) shorthand for Dear Daughter … I’m not going to give out her name here, but if you are really interested, message me and we can talk about her research a bit … (I’ve read her dissertation, and have a copy here, but I’m by no means an expert!)

We used rocks.

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Seriously??? A Christmas Card with young children (who should not even be around those weapons) holding guns with their mother, who does not seem to have a life partner in the picture as required by the rightwingchristiantaliban in order to be a valid "Murican fambdly.
The glorification of the culture of guns as the answer to any problem or any dissension from the wacko rightwing screed about how to be a true “pat–riot” is what is wrong with these pictures and what is VERY wrong with your line of thinking.

So many guns; so many guns pointed at each other.

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