In New Report Into FBI’s Half-Baked Kavanaugh Probe, Thomas-Hill Parallels Abound

Originally published at: In New Report Into FBI’s Half-Baked Kavanaugh Probe, Thomas-Hill Parallels Abound

The two cases already drew obvious parallels, 30 years apart: Men are nominated for the Supreme Court, their elevation prompts revelations of alleged past harms done to multiple women, Republicans go into total-war mode to smear the women and defend their nominees, Democrats and the FBI fail to protect the women or disqualify the nominees. …

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Worth a painful watch. This gullible, stupid nitwit is the shame of Maine.


Dr Blasey (Ford) was driven from her home by RW attackers. Private citizens don’t get security protections. I’m not sure if she was ever able to return to her job as a respected & popular teacher. Another cruel injustice at the hands of the republicans.

I met friends of hers through the PTA mom network. She is a gentle & kind soul.


It really is amazing how many awful conservatives sit on the SC right now…how that was allowed to happen really should be documented in detail. Unfortunately, we’re not going to know the outcome of that story for many years, not until they are all gone and replaced by people who are reasonable jurists with some level of humanity.


Kavanaugh straight up lied to Collins wrt Roe.


Impeachment is a mathematical, electoral impossibility. There needs to be some other remedy.


The TIFBG nominations for SCOTUS were baked in. The sham hearings were merely a formality so that they could SAY they did it, but the outcomes were forgone conclusions. They should be removed from the bench as soon as possible for lying to Congress under oath during their hearings - all of them.


Add 4 more Justices after the election. It’s the only way to counteract the Fascist Five.


Collins wanted to be lied to so she had cover to cast the vote she was always going to cast.


Hard work made us quit.

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That, and sunshine. It is not too late to investigate these crimes. It is not too late to publicize. It may be too late to indict, or to charge, but it is not too late to expose these rapists for who they are.

Even if impeachment fails, the sun shine that it would bring would be helpful.

The battle for freedom, and democracy, is not a battle that is one generation long. Our goal should not be just change in the short run, but change in the long run. We may not be able to disgrace Thomas and :beer: Brett now, but we can create the narrative to discredit them in history, which is critical to the battle.


Not looking into accusations of rape is disgusting. The FBI did not contact any of the Boofer’s rape victims, no witnesses were questioned, no evidence was collected, and a predetermined outcome was delivered.

The sham probe was a serious breach of professional ethics by the FBI. Isn’t delivering false information to Congress is a crime?

The FBI lost a lot of credibility enabling Skanky, who himself is a serial rapist and criminal, a sexual predator who was a regular at Jeffrey Epstein’s parties.

I wonder what the FBI report would look like if they were asked to investigate late Dr. Hannibal Lector if he was nominated to be Secretary of Health and Human Services by Skanky, Wanky, Mo Bone-Saw, Cuck, and Pootie Patootie. I am betting Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, and the other servile sycophants would approve.


Between this story today and the Covid tests to Putin, I am so exhausted by it all. It’s so demoralizing. How many Democratic presidential candidates have been derailed by “surprises”? Gary Hart, Howard Dean, Ed Muskie, Hillary Clinton … over nothing. And here’s Trump so compromised by Putin, he’s giving him tests his own citizens are desperate for. And meh, who cares. They get away with everything. Everything. The Supreme Court is so tainted, it will take a monumental effort for trust to ever be regained.


In New Report Into FBI’s Half-Baked Kavanaugh Probe, Thomas-Hill Parallels Abound“


Power brokers just did their job to protect the illusion of an honest, fair and thorough investigation, which would simply never do.

The old adage about “Power corrupts” confirmed, yet again.

Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Barrett, Roberts… all dirty in one way or another, revealed only by their relative ability to wear their hypocrisy on their sleeves.


Who’s “us”?

We need the votes in the Senate. How do you suggest we get more people in the enough states to do that? Simplistic statements are not the answer.

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Thomas-Hill Parallels Abound

The MO is the same because the crime is the same: smuggle a co-conspirator onto the Court so he can dismantle from the inside law enforcement against criminals.

The Senate should bounce any candidate who won’t discuss real legal questions in their confirmation hearings. All the puffery about not getting into real issues is an excuse, unsupported by logic and incompatible with democracy, to make it easier for bad-guys-in-disguise to pretend to be good-guys-being-overly-circumspect.

Now cue all the lawyers who have been gaslit and institutionalized by this same crooked system, who will no doubt rush to its defense. As always.


He pretended to tell the truth.

And she pretended to believe him.


A note about my call for impeachment: this is not a battle which we will win. We will lose this battle. We’ve already lost, and we will lose again and again and again, and eventually, all of this work will pay off, and we will win.

Edit: this is how they got their way, it’s the only way we’re going to get our way.