The alleged ringleader of a plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan gathered several other men at his business. They were there to discuss plans for storming the state’s capitol using firearms and Molotov cocktails.
This reminds me of the friend in the '60s who told me of a meeting where the attendees took a vote to decide whether to be a Communist cell or a field office of the FBI.
Just suppose these moron pulled it off. The first one of them to go down with a head shot, you can be sure the others would immediately shit their pants.
From the previous thread - after the “citizens arrest” what were they going to do? Hand over the governor to some sheriff to incarcerate her until what exactly happens?
What was that insult dogs name on Letterman who once told at a bunch of guys dressed up in Star Wars costumes that they “hadn’t seen a vagina since the day they were born”.
" In Alleged Plot To Kidnap Guv, Confidential Sources Captured Every Word"
Thought they were slick and smart code words,trap doors etc,etc.But they got busted by and organization that was slicker and smarter and does this type of thing for a living,BUSTING peoples bubbles.