“This was something that nobody has ever thought could happen to this country.” President Donald Trump said when speaking on the COVID-19 pandemic last week.
“We’re having to fix a problem that, four weeks ago, nobody everI never thought would be a problem,” he said during a White House press conference in mid-March.
Azar gonna have to redouble his efforts at Trump fluffery after this terrible breach of telling the truth - even if he’s done a pretty great job of lying since then.
“We’re having to fix a problem that, four weeks ago, nobody ever thought would be a problem,” he said during a White House press conference in mid-March.
“Nobody”, of course, means Donald J. Trump. Quite appropriate, as there has never been a bigger nobody in such a high position. This is a different nobody from “nobody could have predicted”.
No one in this maladministration will ever contradict the Orange Pustule. They are all devoid of any empathy, brain or conscience. Leaders who care nothing about the common good.
I’m taking it as Azar told Trump, Trump didn’t care, and now Trump is claiming nobody could predict this. Another scenario is Azar didn’t tell Trump, Azar tried to now tell Trump how to deal, and Trump didn’t listen. Either way Trump needs to be charged for gross mismanagement, and theft of honest service. I wonder if Kushner sold off national stockpile items to NoKo or SA? Through one of his LLCs of course.
"“You know, this isn’t a topic that crosses the minds of most Americans every day, thankfully,” he told summit attendees. “In order to keep it that way, we need to continuously improve our preparedness work, which is why the biodefense strategy is a blueprint for action.”
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
“This was something that nobody has ever thought could happen to this country.” President Donald Trump said when speaking on the COVID-19 pandemic last week.
Donald never said that! His greatest fear was pandemic flu also! He was probably the first to mention it!
I wonder if Azar said anything when Trump disbanded the pandemic response team in about May of 2018
Regardless, the bottom line is something like this was foreseen, inevitable, and yet, directly because of Trump’s actions and words, the federal government was still caught unprepared. Only question is will enough people in the right states hold the man who accepts no responsibility responsible?
Global Pandemics (with an S) that scares me most
= Covidiot-45 Virus + Kushnevirus
When Trump LIES, Americans DIE
When Kushner Makes “Peace” People Die
Meanwhile…Remember this Josh Marshall’s tweet?
It seems that those airbirdged PPE were meant for private companies and (not federal stockpiles) but using US Gov resources AND it turns out that Germany is now accusing the US of modern piracy!
Heckuva Incompetent Job there Covidiot Trumpy…NOT only did you allow private companies to profit using Gov resources, now you’ve pissed off our allies - AGAIN!