If The Democracy Reform Bill Is Going To Die In The Senate, It Won’t Be A Quiet Death This Time | Talking Points Memo

The Democrats have one thing going for them now that the House has again approved a sweeping democracy overhaul bill. If it fails in the Senate, at least failure will look different this time around.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1362977
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There’s this too


Going on the offense. I like it.


Assuming this bill doesn’t pass (and let’s be honest here…) we really really need CA, NY, IL and any other democratically controlled states to enact house-level gerrymanders to prevent a republican trifecta and pressure SCOTUS on the issue


The filibuster is standing in the way of good government bills such as this.

we have to enact federal voter protections to overcome the wave of voter suppression bills going through Republican-led legislatures.

In Georgia, legislators approved a bill that would, among other voter restrictions, make it a misdemeanor offense to provide food or water to someone waiting in line to vote.


Just keep making them vote on it…roll call votes


Now, can the Dems message focus like the R’s seem to do all the time every time and make this a real enduring WEDGE ISSUE? Meet the Cookie Standard ‘It’s out there’ level? Everyday, say it over and over. ‘We are the party for Democracy, Republicans are not’. Like is REALLY IS a hill worth dying for.
Bonus media tactic: Pushing the Big Lie’, there are countless quotes by every top level wing nut talking head and pol, that ‘we need a national standard’. Que ‘em up beside an attack on the Big Lie.


The Little Round Top Moment.
HR1, It’s a hill worth dying to defend.


Unless 50 Democrats support ending the filibuster, this and other Bill’s have no chance.


GOP pols have learned 3 key lessons: 1. It is 10x easier to oppose than to propose, 2. Unified opposition is extremely powerful, and 3. They will face no electoral costs for pursuing 1. or 2. above.


OT and we saw this coming

Sucks to be them , not.


It’s all a bunch of hot air until the Senate starts voting.

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Usually these types of bills are seen as helping Democrats.

There is reason behind that point; however, the point I think Democrats should make is that democracy is tumultuous, complicated and the power is relatively ephemeral for any party, Democrats and Republicans.

So, no, this is not a bill to help Democrats, it is to help democracy. The only way it hurts Republicans is if they are literally against democracy.


Question in regards to the filibuster:
Why can’t the Democratic’s use the “nuclear option” to get rid of the filibuster? The Filibuster is not in the Constitution and it’s purpose is to provide a way for the majority party in the Senate to overcome obstruction by the minority? Republicans have used it. The filibuster is undemocratic: it empowers the minority to block the will of voters and of the American public, and it will be used by Republicans to block every single progressive priority. How about getting rid of the filibuster using the reconciliation bill? Republicans have used it for non budget reason because it’s not really clear what is allowed and not allowed in that ill. It’s ambiguous. Democrats face a choice: either accept congressional gridlock where none of their priorities get done, or do away with the filibuster in order to pass their priorities with a simple majority.

These are just questions.


Knowing the Democrats, there is a good chance that this will not be Little Round Top but the Anthill (Paths of Glory).

What we need to do is to work on Manchin and Sinema and convince them to make an exception to their stand on preserving the filibuster on this one bill. Perhaps they will agree if it allows for each Senator to have one full hour to debate the bill and the opportunity to introduce one amendment (to be voted on without further debate).


It takes 50 votes to go nuclear. Manchin and Sinema are opposed. End of discussion.


Yes, yes, yes. The message needs to be that it makes it easier for Americans to vote, and that by working on voting rights (and let’s include election integrity like paper trails) we are making it easier for every American to vote. The point should be that in the United States of America, every person who is eligible to vote should be able to vote safely and easily without having to risk a job or their health. Every legal voter, as they like to say.
If the GOP wants to argue that the only way they can win is by suppressing votes, then that needs to be part of the discussion as well.


I am so sick of Democrats are being “nice” to the Senate Rep. when they don’t care about anything. We voted Trump out, now we need laws to make this sure that everyone can be registered, vote and take these Trumpers out. In MO, we voted on redistricting by a panel, the Republicans lied in another redistricting referendum to take it back. If the Rep. do not work in good faith for the betterment of our country, we should just do anything to get necessary laws by any means possible.


The last group of people to try that are all in prison or on the run from the feds right now.


with regard to Manchin and Sinema, we also have to appeal to their self-interest — that is, if appealing to their sense of fairness and justice falls short. Because their Republican-led state