If The Democracy Reform Bill Is Going To Die In The Senate, It Won’t Be A Quiet Death This Time | Talking Points Memo

What the GOP Senators don’t realize is the average American doesn’t care one way or the other about the filibuster, it being in the weeds as far as we are concerned but we do care about voting and the attempts to suppress that.


I was talking about the Senate to pass laws by any means possible. The Jan 6 riot was just to take over the government, not pass any laws just to stop everything.


The deal with Manchin & Sinema, they are on power trips. It’s going to take more than public pressure to move them. Manchin knows if he is sufficiently pissed off about something on either side of the aisle all he has to do is go to either McConnell or Schumer and say-what’s in it for me? That’s the real issue. 1 man with way too much power and his achilles heel needs to be found to use against him. Simema hasn’t quite learned those skills yet-but she watching the master.


Democratic senators represent 40 million more people than rethugs. This should be part of the message they put out.


Yes! You know, many republicans liked mail-in/absentee voting just as much as democrats. It should be easy to vote!


I’d stop just short of a mandatory requirement.


What do these assholes need any benefits for? Weren’t they all saying Fat Ass was still President? Gee, I hope I can order a palette of Kleenex from Amazon so I have enough tissues to wipe away the salty tears I will surely cry after hearing about their plight!

My sympathy for these gigantic pieces of wildebeest shit is equivalent to the size of the period at the end of this sentence.


From Chapter 1, Democratic Party Handbook: How to Lose When You’re Right:

“Be completely right, but say stuff like a wonk so no one knows you’re right.”


"…it’s so critical that we have these uniform baseline standards, best practices that allow people to access their franchise.”

Seriously? “Access their franchise?!?”


Yes, but the money is playing hard to get.

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Have the vote. We have to stop behaving based on threats of “x” from the GOP and the Manchins out there. Make them vote, make them put their money where their mouth is, and then if they fuck over the party and the American people make them own it. The GOP is going to read the entire Covid relief bill on the floor to delay it, aid which will disproportionally go to their constituents. Schumer was making deals with McConnell to fast track Trump’s judges the four years prior. I could be wrong but I don’t remember Chuck doing much procedurally to try and slow down Trump and the GOP. Nancy either for that matter. Now we have MTG a freshman rep in the House gumming up the works, and she can barely form a coherent sentence.


So even if the Senate were to pass this bill would the law cover/reverse all states anti voting measures ? Would this law overrule “States Rights” to control their elections as is now the case? I see it ending up before the Supremes before it actually is put into effect even if it passes the Senate.

An occasionally unintuitive analysis of the urgency.

Sinema may want to rethink her love of the filibuster after reflecting on what effect Republican efforts to restrict voting will have on her 55,000 vote victory margin in 2018.


I wonder how Lincoln, Teddy, Eisenhower or even Nixon would have thought of Republicans voting against a bill to insure democracy?


I too am tired of MO Republicans telling us voters that we didn’t know what we were voting for. I know what I voted for when I voted for Clean MO, against RTW for the 2nd time, and against puppy mills. And never forget the lotter and school funding switcheroo.


World Class Messaging will probably be the best route. It is unfortunate that it would have to come to that, but that’s where we are.

Most of us are in the Wonk World, but the outside world is not. Our mission should be to do some World Class Explaining. And if it requires $$$$$$$$ so be it.

I saw two D-Day films, The Longest Day and Private Ryan…shown to movie audiences almost 40 years apart…and the latter film probably brought home to audiences the horror of war much better, even though its audiences had much less familiarity with D-Day.

It’s one thing to say, “war is hell”.
It’s another to show it.

It’s one thing to say “Voter Suppression”.
It’s another to show it.


I can’t believe Maine voted for this silly twit again.

Logic eludes her.


Oh I don’t know, I think in AU you get fined for not voting. You have to cast a ballot, doesn’t mean you vote for or against anything, you show up, get your ballot, and turn around and cast it for nothing. Under this kind of system I’d like to hear more about this works. I hear that there is a competition for which polling place has the best sausages to hand out after one votes.

I think for this to work here we’d have to make voting day a national holiday.


Logic eludes her.

Or she’s doing all she can to make sure logic continues to elude her base. IOW, she’s Republican.

