If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, the dominoes will fall fast.
In 17 states, abortion will become almost immediately illegal. Those states already have either an abortion ban that predates Roe on the books or a trigger law specifically written to ban or nearly ban abortion as soon as Roe falls, or both, according to a recent analysis by the Guttmacher Institute.
Only some Americans are permitted to use all of their Constitutional rights, depending on where you live. Odds are stacked against you if you have two X chromosomes.
In New Mexico, an ancient on-the-books law prohibited abortion, but remained there because the federal law (Roe) overrode it, so it was doing no harm. One of the first acts of the new Democratic supermajority in the legislature (once the 4 or so “conserva-Dems” were defeated in primaries and replaced) was to repeal that thing.
Time to start calling the sc what it is becoming: the Council of Guardians, like in Iran. All the wingnuts who under Obama bleated in fear of sharia law coming to the US…welcome. it’s here
What do you mean 'IF". I cannot see any way in hell they do NOT overturn Roe. Maybe when the ruling comes next summer women will wake up in droves and vote the GQP out. Not holding my breath but I think this is the last best hope for saving the country.
It’s not “if” Roe is overturned, but rather when. The real question is, will enough people care to actually do anything about it? I honestly don’t know.
Republicans through dark money of Koch Bros and others financially support the Federalist Society to appoint judges who are anti women, anti minorities and anti voting rights. A reading and examination of the society members’ , Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch, Barrett, and Kavanaugh, opinions and dissents clearly show this agenda.
How does this work logistically? Medical records are highly secretive in the US. Who would know why you went to the doctor?
I had a hernia operation a few years back. They listed what they were going to do and the last item stated to me was something like, “and any other discovered necessary procedures, as needed”.
I laughed and he said that language was from the world of gynecology, now adapted for wider use.
I find the idea that something that was protected under the federal Constitution for 50 years could suddenly lose that protection solely because of the state in which the US citizens live. Isn’t that a clear violation of “equal protection under the law” something ALSO ingrained in the Constitution?
And isn’t that just one deeeeliciouis irony? The same mindset that operates Sharia Law under Islam is the same as the one that drives these anti-abortionists. At base, it’s a hatred/distrust of women and is just another device to suppress them, make them dependent on mates for support.
Long time between now and next June. Roberts has plenty of time to persuade one or more of the Fascist Five that overturning abortion rights wholesale on a 5-4 vote is a stupid fucking idea. I don’t know whether it will work out in favor of Roberts’ preferred incrementalism, but it’s not inconceivable.
They will. It’s hard to get people too worked up and in the streets about a theoretical thing that might happen sometime in the future. After all, Roe’s almost 50 years in now, and it’s been under attack pretty much the entire time.
When they actually kill it, that’ll be when things start getting nasty.
Texas has slammed the door on the “Abortion Pill” - which is NOT “Plan B”
But the Anti-Science - We make up our own facts about medicine & biology - Liars …
at Right-to-Life … insist - shrilly - loudly - irrationally - no mater what science or medicine or reality may show - that the “Morning After Pill” - “Plan-B” is an “abortion pill”
So you can guess where this is headed … and Birth Control Pills will be targeted too… because … preachy bastard just gotta try to control other people …
Will get nasty. For the GOP one would hope, but I’ve been hearing this for years, but warnings about goobers appointing fascist judges does not seem to have moved anyone. Realpolitk suggests the goobers will take the House in '22; maybe the prez in '24. Speaking only for myself, I’m not confident it will move the needle for Dems.
At least two and possibly three of the states that would ban abortion immediately would see the Republicans swept from power the next election. If the conservatives get their way they could destroy the Republican party going forward. They wouldn’t do the conservative and evangelical movements any favors.
I mean like in the streets nasty. Just at the hearing yesterday, the cops had put up barriers between the protesters outside the Supreme Court. The Forced-Birth folks ignored that and invaded the Pro-Women side.
There’s going to be outright street battles when the decision comes down.
Now, how all of that will play at the ballot box, who knows.