If Roe Is Overturned, Many States Will Outlaw Abortions At Once

Sad to think that overturning Roe might be the vehicle that gets voters mad and motivated enough to get out and vote. I’m talking crawling through broken glass and flames to vote like conservatives do. Maybe this is what will help Democrats evade the usual midterm loss for the party in power and keep congress in 2022.


Thank you for doomsplaining. It’s ever so tedious.


And thank you for being the last person in America who believes that the Supremes are anything more than political hacks doing the bidding of their funding overlords.


Well Reconstruction only lasted 12 years…and after 1877 what was once achieved was slowly taken away from the “colored” folks. And then from 1892 to 1954 segregation was considered not unconstitutional.


Au contraire, it is precisely because they are political hacks that Roberts’ gambit might prevail.


It would have before we lost RBG’s seat. Now, everything is out the window.


Thank you again for the tedious doomsplaining.


They have, but they can’t do anything about the mailbox, which is where most women in Texas will be getting their abortion pills from a friend or family member in another state.

Texas and the other states that will have this kind of ban can’t do anything to stop person-to-person mailings through the Post Office, which is a Federal agency. There is no such thing as a pill-sniffing dog, and the states have no jurisdiction over the mail.

I’m wondering if Roberts or others on the SCOTUS might be taking this into consideration, knowing that access to medication abortion in restrictive states could minimize the blowback. They’re not about to do anything to directly block access to these drugs because they’ll be legal in half the country.


The pro-choice legal community may be overlooking an obvious avenue for a post-Roe litigation challenge against every state anti-abortion law on the books. It’s the 14th Amendment.

The 14th Amendment to the constitution prohibits any state law that denies equal protection of the laws. Therefore, any anti-abortion law that does not apply the same penalties to the father as to the mother is, by definition, unconstitutional, because it only penalizes one gender when both genders created the pregnancy. Let’s see how many male legislators would amend their laws to meet this constitutional requirement.

If you think this is a wild theory, my answer is that the wildest constitutional theories are those created by this Court.


All you need to know about Kavanope is that he was dissenting judge in the Court of Appeals when TFG’s maladministration tried to force a 17 year old girl in HHS custody to carry a pregnancy to term. She was impregnated in their custody, and made her wishes clearly known: she wanted an abortion. Instead of taking her to get what she wanted and was legally entitled to receive, HHS took her to Christian crisis pregnancy centers. I had forgotten about that case, but Rachel was on it last night.

And yesterday, Kavadope went down the list of precedent overturns, including Brown v Board of Education, Plessy v Ferguson, and probably Dred Scott, too. There is no reason to bring up that greatest hits list unless you’re intending to consign Roe to the trash heap.

This is the legacy of the Roberts court, John.


For me, the low point was Kavanaugh’s “fair and balanced” attempt to bothsides it and suggest the federal courts had no right to adjudicate, since it is a woman’s right over her body vs. “the state’s interest in fetal life”—a completely fabricated “interest” that tells you all you need to know about Kavanaugh et al. When judges start using terms like “fetal life” seriously they show their true allegiance.


And thank you again for the groundless optimism!


Aretha does not approve of females being dependent.

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Nonsense. Both men and women are equally banned from having abortions post-viability currently, and soon to be banned from any abortions at all.


Overturning Roe has been the red meat they’ve tossed to their orcs for decades. Why would they (the GQP) give that up? Once Roe is overturned those who wanted it overturned will go back to drinking their Jesus Juice and making those little feet that dangle from rear view mirrors.


They’re not giving it up. Once they win at the Supreme Court, the battlegrounds then just shift to each of the States, giving them 50 different places to fight over.


But we heard that Trump would destroy the R party–and instead he remade it in his image. So I’m not prepared to say anything could destroy that which seems undead and forever hounding us at this point.


Although I appreciate and respect @txlawyer 's postings, I recall the exact same feeling about some of them on the morning of November 4, 2020.

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No, it’s not inconceivable. But which of the Fascist Five is going to join Johnny Boy? Clarence Thomas and Alito have been waiting years for this chance. Boney Carrot thinks the only reason for an abortion is because contraception failed and the mommy-to-be doesn’t want to be a mommy. Kavadope telegraphed his vote. Gorsuch is all that’s left, and I have a hard time seeing him as being the voice of incrementalism.


So true! How did I - the father of 3 and the grandfather of 7 - miss that!