Idaho GOP Becomes Latest To Embrace Fetal Personhood Ideology, Threatening Access To IVF

Originally published at: Idaho GOP Becomes Latest To Embrace Fetal Personhood Ideology, Threatening Access To IVF

The Idaho Republican Party expanded its anti-reproductive health efforts last week during a party convention, affirming its support for the fetal personhood ideology and proclaiming that they oppose “the destruction of human embryos,” a reference to the common practice in in vitro fertilization treatments of creating more embryos than are needed, and discarding those that…

I wouldn’t want to get reproductive care for a high risk pregnancy in a state that regulates obstetrics care in non-medically appropriate ways.

Why would you want the second rate doctors?


You have to smell Idaho to believe it. Signed son grew up a few miles from their stink in another awful right wing dump known as Spokane Valley, WA. You should see the rightist stinker representative, Matt Shea, they regurgitated into Washington politics!


They affirm nothing than they want power and control over everyone for anything.


Because they don’t care unless it happens to them or theirs.


I have family in Eastern Oregon. The closest hospital with a NICU was in Boise. Idaho’s stupidity doesn’t just affect crazy white supremiscists.


I would like to point out that “fetal (actually embryonic) personhood” imperils access to the Pill and IUDs in addition to plan B.

Everyone who said “no one of consequence would be stupid enough to attack birth control”, well, here we are


It’s a very interesting and polarized area, but it is my home. I have had awful encounters, and marvelous encounters. Even here, even in this right wing area, there are good people.

I am very much excited by the increase in multifamily housing that is enabled by a complete lack of zoning. I think that we will slowly become more diverse, and more liberal, and the State Line will become more important.

Also, at least we aren’t Liberty Lake.


We have one of the most state of the art NICUs in the country in Spokane. All of my children spent time there. We have known many families, on this side a d the Idaho side of the border, who have had their newborns cared for there. I am glad we have this for North Idaho.


In his majority opinion in Dobbs, Alito said:

The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely—the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. That provision has been held to guarantee some rights that are not mentioned in the Constitution, but any such right must be “deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition” and “implicit in the concept of ordered liberty.”

I would suggest to the brilliant minds in Idaho that if you substitute “IVF” for “abortion” you have a Supreme Court decision that "could does foreseeably pose a challenge to the continued provision of IVF treatments in Idaho.”


How long before they start demanding women submit used menstrual products to be sure they haven’t maybe committed involuntary manslaughter?


Not sure you can call it an ideology. They get away with too much strapping on these ‘doctrines’ and the like. They are farts in a spacesuit, cramming words into the mouth of Jesus in the name of their own pocket.


…they must be worn on the outside, so we can check


“We affirm that human personhood begins at the moment of conception”

Says who? Politicians have NO standing to determine that. It’s not up for a vote. The First Amendment guarantees MY religious freedom, not a duty to abide by the government’s.

A person is alive. Life begins at first breath and ends at last breath.

“and ought to be protected and cherished from that moment on”

How do you suppose politicans will legislate that?

The Republican Party actually favors big, intrusive government. Its the only way to determine who is truly loyal.

Think, Republicans. Donald already knows I’ll never be loyal to him ever. YOU’RE the one who needs to be watched, tested, and trapped.

Catch-and-kill. And that was for the girl he slept with.


“… fetal personhood — a decades-old, conservative belief that fetuses (and, in some cases, embryos) are people…”

It is religion, not conservatism, that causes some people to believe in core concepts that defy common sense and are contrary to the widespread consensus.

Religions also have no problem with a small minority dictating their core beliefs to others.


Quite right. Fetal personhood seems more like a theological construct. Right-wing ideology adopted by the legislature allows a right-wing minority to ignore biology and impose their peculiar religious doctrine on everyone.


Not that they won’t be stupid enough to attack birth control, because some of them always have. They just won’t be stupid enough to enact any birth control bans, because they would be committing electoral suicide. And note that they’re all just indulging in this IVF stuff rhetorically. Not even Idaho is stupid enough to actually ban it.


I’m glad you find comfort in that distinction because i don’t


Birth control is overwhelmingly popular. You would find more public support for banning ice cream.


Whatever you are trying to say is lost in your hate. Get lost.