Idaho GOP Becomes Latest To Embrace Fetal Personhood Ideology, Threatening Access To IVF

Don’t give the GOP any ideas.


So is a lot of gun control measures and a bunch of other policy topics and yet the races end up close.


Gun control is a low-salience issue. Birth control is very high-salience.


I remember when I was a zygote. Those were the days… elections weren’t rigged and I looked forward to monopoly played in the bomb shelter.


Yep. Those were the days. Of course, you were lucky to be awaiting birth into a family with a bomb shelter. We had to make do with a supply of iodine tablets and crossed fingers.


If embryonic personhood gets enacted, we’ve got a nice chunk of change coming back from the IRS for all those dependents who have been sitting around in a freezer for the past 17 years. :roll_eyes:

All these crazy evil ideas are ridiculous, but even when they’re not passed into law they end up causing all kinds of trouble and heartache and expense for real human beings.


Exactly. Many in Idaho don’t care because they can get specialty in Spokane. Seattle or Portland. They backup, just like in the early days of Covid.

Which flavor of ice cream?

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Both of my children were conceived via IVF. While two years apart in age, they came from the same batch of fertilized embryos. My second child was frozen — along with four others — for two years prior to insertion into my wife. Only one embryo took, and from it came my daughter.

I have two wonderful kids because of IVF, but the right wing anti life theocrat freaks in Idaho and elsewhere want to prevent more families from being similarly blessed.

These weirdos are a blight on our country and a direct threat to families like mine.


Yeah that’s what they said about Dobbs too…

IVF used to bother me, because the ethics of it seemed complicated. I used to feel deeply apprehensive about the possibilities. I understand, now, that it wasn’t the idea of curing genetic diseases, it wasn’t even the idea of selecting for specific traits that made me uncomfortable. In the end, I realized my problem was that it is expensive, and that genetic counseling and IVF aren’t more affordable for everyone. All of the ethical concerns go away when it’s no longer just for the rich. All of the concerns of designer babies become moot, and furthermore deeply offensive, if the technology is 100% available to everybody.

I’m very happy that you have managed to have two wonderful children with IVF. I sincerely hope that these discussions, and these controversies, will lead to increased access, and more wonderful, wanted, and healthy children.


Birth control has 90+% approval. More than two-thirds of the country wanted abortion to be illegal either in all circumstances or at least in whatever arbitrary circumstances they personally disapproved of.

There is a reason that many Washingtonians call the state to the East of us “Whidaho”


Also a reason why so many Idahoans drive west for cannabis and health care.

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If a fetus in utero has “personhood” would that person then be liable for paying federal and any local taxes?


Yep, the OB’s that specialize in high risk pregnancies are fleeing the state.


Only if they have enough income. But as soon as they’re conceived they’re a dependent and can earn deductions and credits for their parents. And they would have to be counted for apportionment.

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I will be in mourning the rest of the evening anf all of tomorrow…

Via cnn…

Baseball icon Willie Mays, one of the game’s most electrifying and complete players, has died at 93

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Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted
God gets quite irate


This is such a horrible situation. Horrible.

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