In a 22-page motion last month, Rep. Duncan Hunter’s (R-CA) lawyer Gregory Vega argued that the campaign finance case against the congressman was undercut by the fact that two prosecutors involved with the case had attended a private La Jolla, California, fundraiser for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in August 2015.
IIRC, Bill Clinton appointed Vega to head the USAtty’s office in San Diego. I dont know that that ever disqualified him for representing anyone. Gotta wonder why Hunter choose a lefty atty to try to get him off of these charges.
This idiot’s own lawyer attended that same fundraiser. What a fucking asswipe Hunter is. Are these what they call pre-trial motions, because they sure are dumb and a complete waste of time. Can’t wait until they find this moron guilty and throw his stinking ass behind bars for campaign finance violations and theft. Seems like a fairly open and shut case to me once they get past all this idiocy.
IANAL, but I do think that if I were a lawyer writing up such a motion, even I would remember that I also was there at that same fundraiser and therefore might detect an error in the logic of my argument.
I get that the case against Hunter is such that he’ll have to grasp at straws to defend himself. But even those straws have to, like, be there to be grasped at and stuff.
That seems to be the Republican way. Like they are waiting for the clock to play out. Look at the White House, that is all they are really doing. Stall, stall, stall.
Next will be a move to disqualify any prosecutors, judges or jury members who didn’t vote for Trump, because one cannot get a fair trial from folks who don’t believe one is innocent until proven innocent.
“The irony of this case,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Mark Conover told the court, “is that the defendant’s lawyer, Mr. Vega, was at that exact same fundraiser that exact same day. He was there to support Mrs. Clinton and he donated to be there.”
Gregory Vega: “Your honor, in my defense, I’d like to state for the record that what happens with Vega stays with Vega.”
Hunter must have piles of hidden cash ‘cause his lawyer is working hard to get a share of the campaign dough. Drag this out and wave goodbye as Hunter goes to jail. Retire early.