When Michael Flynn registered his support for a Myanmar-style military coup this week, he wasn’t just advocating for the violent overthrow of the government.
What general in their right (read, evil coup conniving) mind would go thru the trouble and hard work of executing a coup of the US Government and then hand the reins over to Trump, quite possibly the laziest man on earth?
Whoever or whatever these people are, fascists, idiots, mentally ill, cultists,…I don’t care. We spend too much time trying to understand them or discern their motivations. They are engaging in treason and sedition and need to be dealt with with by any and all of the legal remedies necessary.
TRumP is in TOuch wiTh the besT generaLs to do A US verSion of Mimiyar exCept wiLL do Trump to PresiDent in AugusT. It’s a FAct. CybEr ninJAS IS findinG MaSSive voter fraUd, baMboo baLLots wiTh chinEse only, BlacKs votiNg, aNd worse.
Q-Tip, a Telegram channel with more than 108,000 subscribers, wrote in mid-February that “Don already gave control to the military to move forward with the plan under guise of a National Emergency.”
We sure Pence isn’t behind this account? The name seems a bit too on the nose.
The former president himself has reportedlysaid that he thinks he will be “reinstated” in August.
For TFG to be “reinstated” he would have had to have been sworn in at some time. As of noon january 20th this year he became an ex president. His term was over, done.
you think any of them have a map? any map they have probably still includes ‘Burma’ so they’re SOL. and if they’re looking for “Minamar” they won’t find it on ANY map.
besides, who needs maps? that’s like facts…useless and liberal.
I intimated earlier this morning that the QAnon folks, and all of the people relishing the thought of a military coup to overthrow the Deep State, really are no different than Timothy McVeigh. Most T rumpp supporters now likely view him as a hero. They want the exact same thing. That tells you everything you need to know about what those people value as Americans.
Only a Q nut would use Myanmar’s recent coup as an example but it isn’t completely odd. The military there has been doing it since independence. They are the ones that renamed the country. Nothing new but what is interesting is the recent coup ousted the de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi. The west tends to revere her but in fact she hasn’t done much for her people. For some reason they still support her. In fact she tried to pacify the military by defending its abuses against the Rohingya and by restricting press freedoms.
Maybe not. A lot of them think Africa is the name of a country.
I know where it is from my huge crush on Aung Saan Suu Kyiy who was also placed under house arrest like many of my girlfriends in high school and college.
Like I said before…there will be whole libraries devoted to what Trump unleashed on this country.
It’s not so much about people with too much time on their hands. Rather, it is the fact that there’s work to be done.
Necessary work
And we have not been in a position to apply the connections of people to tasks…
It’s almost an advertisement for the worst of the worst: totalitarian rule…instead of the Democratic Republic which has been severely tested over the last six years.
That defense was not voluntary. She was forced to make that defense by the military. Aung San Suu Kyi is not friendly with the military, as evidenced by the fact that they removed her from power. Hearing the story directly from the people in Myanmar reveals a different picture from what we get here in the west.
Myanmar and America, we’re not so different! We both refuse to use the metric system and some people want the military the depose the elected government! And they use a lot of gold paint in their decorations too.