How Federal Workers Will Be The First Casualties Of Trump II

I read an article yesterday “reporting” that particulate air pollution actually has a mitigating effect on CO2 caused atmospheric warming by changing the planetary albido. And the article (originating from the Washington Post) suggests that particulate pollution laws are causing that mitigating effect to slow down.

Maybe I’m being too cynical, but it kind of comes off as a pro-pollution stance.


He just wants to grabby her by her feline.


Maybe not so much a reluctant Swiftie as a very enthusiastic perv.


I have gotten the same exact impression of the whole circus atmosphere. However, I did watch Ari Melber for a few minutes last night. His guest was John Kasich, and Melber showed a few of his debate moments against Trump, (which though critical, had no effect, unfortunately). He said that Biden has to be like he was during the SOTU. He didn’t buy the “too old” argument, and Margaret Carlson sweetly reminded him that she knew how old he was. He continued that older people can be sharp as a tack even into their nineties and used Betty White as an example. But he did speak more approvingly of Biden and definitely doesn’t support Trump. As the interview came to an end, Melber thanked him for his kind words about Biden, saying “Thank you for being a friend.” Carlson laughed and said she didn’t know Ari watched The Golden Girls.


Agree w your previous posts. The press deals w tcf like he is an honest broker, a foreign policy wonk…and of course bad news for sleepy Joe.:face_holding_back_tears:


In tonight’s battle of the geezers, discussions of age will dominate the proceedings. It’s pants-suits and hair-styles all over, again.


He sounds like a serial killer. In any case, he’s devolving. If Joe had said anything remotely like this, the right wing would have made it THE story for a month full on.


In April 2024, a Florida Senate Republican consultant admitted that running Alex Rodriguez was an intentional ploy to defeat Jose Javier Rodriguez, according to the Orlando Sentinel. The scheme was orchestrated by former state Senator Frank Artiles.

(Then another candidate with the same last name as Rodriguez, Alex Rodriguez, filed as an independent candidate, despite not raising any money or even having a campaign website. Garcia won her election by 34 votes. Alex Rodriguez got 6,000 without campaigning.)

In March 2021, Artiles was arrested, as was Alex Rodriguez. The latter pleaded guilty; Artiles’ case is still pending.

Ileana Garcia still holds the state Senate seat.


I have seen something similar in that the reduction of air pollution due to shipping has cut down the amount of haze which inadvertently allows more sun and heat to get through. Of course, the air is also cleaner. I think I would prefer cleaner air, then work on reducing other pollutants to ultimately improve the heating situation.


I’m sure Swift reminds him of Ivanka.


Trump probably thinks that complimenting her will get her to vote for him.

Wrong again, Trumpie. You aren’t too swift.


Trump doesn’t believe in objective truth. Everyone has a self-motivated agenda, and actively lies to push that agenda. If you’re not lying for him, you’re lying against him.

That doesn’t make him less willfully evil, mind you. It just makes him a narcissist who can’t conceive of people not behaving the way he behaves. He thinks his narcissism and ego are perfectly normal.


The constitution is, in fact, a user manual to protect the wealthy and assist them in their acquisitiveness.


We all know TCFG has a type.


I’m OK with that one. Criminal offenses should be tried.
Also, a trial is more public, a jury is more likely to be offended than a regulator, and a judge is more likely to impose a harsher sentence. So yeah, if they’re guilty, stand them up in front of a jury like the common criminals they are.


You are mistaken. These are sick fucks who don’t just live in an informational bubble, but full-on inhabit an alternate universe where only their thoughts are valid and everything else is lies told by their libtard persecutors.


We’re supposed to have a government based on checks and balances, and yet, John Roberts and this SCOTUS rejects any and all efforts by Congress to enact even ethical reforms. Not only that, they refuse to even discuss the issues hounding this court with a coequal branch of government. And no, I don’t consider impeachment/conviction a check or balance as they’re essentially meaningless in this era of bitter partisanship. It’s a runaway court that’s feeling its power. In a way, it foreshadows what a second Trump Administration would bring.


He’s trying to not to upset the Swift Army the way David Grohl did last weekend. Up there with shark attacks, electrocution by boat battery, walking down stairs and “debating” Biden, another Trump-phobia.


Our Supreme Court certainly supports a government based on checks. Cash, vacations and RVs are also welcomed.


Or a New Zealand passport.

“Restraint” is exactly what Felon One won’t have, in any form, should he blunder or steal his way to a second term.