How Donald Trump Is A Menace To The Rule Of Law Right Now

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.

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First. Mum on Rudy. They know he’s screwed and there’s no defending him.


Mr. Trump is such a nice young man. I don’t for the life of me understand why all the commie pinko Dems don’t like him. He’s such a breath of fresh air, a basket of light, an ice cold Coors on a hot summer’s day, more akin to Jesus than anyone in either party. God loves him! And so do we genuine real Americans.

And at least compared to that racist piece of poo DeSantis, Trump is the best thing that ever happened to Blacks, Gays, Jews, Asians, and Whites. He’s the real deal Christian.


Basically, they want to kill us.


Something to cute to watch.

Interesting how this guy wants Trump to win, since he messed up our legal system.


GOP Senators Meet With Advocate For Even More Fossil Fuels | Crooks and Liars

Timothy Cama wrote about the extraordinary phenomenon of the Senate GOP hosting a lunch speaker who argues that “more fossil fuel use will actually make the world a far better place,” with “higher environmental quality and less danger from climate.”

Epstein, who leads the Center for Industrial Progress and has written books including “Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas — Not Less,” spoke with senators at a regularly scheduled lunch hosted by the Senate GOP’s Steering Committee, a conservative body led by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) that includes most of the conference.

Cama ID’d several senators who toted away signed copies of the book, “including John Kennedy (R-La.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.).”

He also wrote “The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels.”

As Froomkin points out, Republicans were “oohing and aahing” over a guy who, as energy expert Arthur E. Berman wrote for, doesn’t simply deny climate change, he believes that a sinister deep state shadow entity he calls the “mainstream knowledge system” controls the discourse over climate change.


Sinead was so unapologetically brave and outspoken and paved the way for so many artists. This is a huge loss and as a Gen-Xer, this one hurts. Rest in power, brave one.


The entire GOP approach to all major issues seems to have become ‘sxxt happens’! Slavery was just a temporary and regrettable system that inconvenienced a certain segment of the U.S. population, but overall no big deal…


GDP Q2 2023: (

GDP grew at a 2.4% pace in the second quarter, topping expectations despite recession calls


Morning Memo comments have the best lynx.


Ya Don’t Say?

Paywalled link.


This is all so beyond pathetic that I often feel this country gets what it deserves, particularly from a bored public that just does not give a shit.

Again, say what one will about Israel, but that population (small as it is) has put ours to shame. What a weird thing it is to live in a world that is held in thrall to rich, white men and the general response is to duck and cover. That Scumbag is even considered a nominee and is treated with kid gloves is fucking maddening, much less how it’s all treated as inevitable.


I think there is a strong religious element as well. To accept human-caused climate change would be to argue that God does not have total control over the course of human affairs. I think a lot of fundamentalists find the very notion that humans could affect the climate to be heretical.


At this point ,Who give a shit
i don’t believe that shit and I also don’t believe I came from Adams rib


Don’t hold back. Tell us how you’re feline.


from the nation’s media, who will now try harder.


More fossil fuel, more CO2, more heat. It’s pretty simple.


One by one
Teen MAGA rioter who sat in Pence’s chair gets jail after ‘marathon’ sentencing hearing (

Trump-loving teenager who was arrested for participating in the Jan. 6 riots at the United States Capitol building has been given more than a year in prison after a “marathon” sentencing hearing that lasted two days, according to reports.

Rioter who used Trump flag to smash window where Ashli Babbitt was shot is convicted (

Driving the news: Chad Barrett Jones, 44, of Mount Washington, Kentucky, was found guilty of all nine charges against him after prosecutors alleged that he struck the glass panels of a barricaded doorway to the Speaker’s Lobby with a wooden flagpole of his rolled-up Trump flag.

Zoom in: “Jones forcefully struck the door nine times with the flagpole while members of the crowd shouted, ‘break it down,’” according to a Department of Justice statement Wednesday evening on his conviction.


Cat’s got their tongue.


He’s trump so of course he is a menace.