I’ve spent enough time around the fundies to know the answer on this one. They usually think the planet was given to humans by God as a sort of spacefaring gumball machine for us to keep hitting up until it’s empty. And when everything’s gone, no biggie because Rapture. So the issue is really whether we can burn everything before time’s up.
OT: This long but worthwhile article on the life and work of Joseph Weizenbaum, one of the early pioneers of AI research who became a harsh and fearful critic of those technologies’ social implications:
Another religious angle is that “God is testing us,” which you’ll hear after natural disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes. I suppose that could be applied to climate change too. It’s a passive, destructive response because there is no call to action. Can’t do 'nuthin about it, it’s God’s will.
Wapo article via archive.is
Sure, it inconvenienced them, but don’t forget they came away with employable skills.
Opening line: " Gregory Garrabrants, a GOP donor and CEO of online Axos Bank, approved the loans after the former president’s main lender had cut ties."
And what would a Garrabrants look like?
An arrogant pig.
GOP Feuding:
I eagerly await when this infighting can be stereotypically described as ‘Reactionaries in Disarray.’
Short of that, I would be content to have GQP operatives mouthing off about the conspiracy of the week regularly characterized as ‘shrill.’
It would be so appropriate for their Hunter Biden blather.
I was confused by your comment.
Settlements come to mind, for one thing.
And more: He made his admission of false statements in an attempt to forestall further discovery . . . which, if that (discovery) were to continue, would very likely reveal a whole lot of other people’s names, too.
Sure, then we can move on to Heaven, which will be the poorer after the right’s heroes’re done pawning the fixtures and pocketing the silver. (ed.)
Good of you to pounce on that pun.
The "god is testing us" defense is sometimes set aside for the "god is punishing [insert name here]" argument. Fundies choose which argument is suitable for each individual situation. Consistency is not their strong point.
Unapologetically loony, more like.
Thank you for adding “oleaginous” to my vocabulary. Very fitting for Ted Cruz.
As I understand it false statements are lies. And in Rudy’s case he defamed some people with those lies.
I’ll be happier when the description is "reactionaries in ruins."
That is categorically not true.

Thank you for adding “oleaginous” to my vocabulary. Very fitting for Ted Cruz.

Wapo article via archive.is
Never (well, almost never) be paywalled again. They want their content to be archived, so everyone should read their archived content to their heart’s content.