How Could GOP Senators Possibly Be ‘Blindsided’ Over Bolton Testimony? | Talking Points Memo

Al$o, would depend on how intere$ted your Alderman i$ in your project…


That’s why you use a loaded alderman.


Most of them are…



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I’ve got no sympathy for Republican Senators. Surely they know, despite however much water they carry for Trump, he will never, ever reciprocate.

All they needed to do was band together, convict Trump, and they still would have had a President Pence. But instead, they’re allowing Trump to divide and conquer them. If there’s been malpractice, it’s their political strategy.

This was all easily foreseeable. And even if Bolton’s information had come out after acquittal, there would still have been hell to pay. There’s no easy way out for them, and I’m enjoying watching them lurch from one ridiculous excuse to another.

By the way, if there are witnesses, this drags on past February 4, in all likelihood. And though I normally avoid a Trump speech at all costs, this would be must-watch TV, with Nancy sitting directly behind him.



I watch a youtube channel called Scishow (because nerd) and noticed today’s episode ended with puns on seas and underwater life.

I hope it’s not a coincidence. :slight_smile:


I sea what you did there…


I’m shocked–SHOCKED–that you’d be shocked that I’m shocked–SHOCKED!


Other, unnamed GOP senators … reportedly called the White House in a fury, demanding to know why they hadn’t been appraised of what the former national security advisor had to say beforehand.

If only they had been listening when Adam Schiff warned them last week Friday:

“I’ll tell you something, the next time it just may be you. It just may be you,” Schiff warned. “Do you think for a moment that any of you, no matter what your relationship with this president, no matter how close you are to this president, do you think for a moment that if he felt it was in his interest, he wouldn’t ask you to be investigated?”


This could be nothing, or perhaps others have already noticed, but here’s the news from September:

According to the attendees, Bolton also declared that negotiations with North Korea and Iran were “doomed to failure.”

The hawkish national security advisor reportedly griped about Trump calling off a planned military strike against Iran “at the very last minute” in June after Fox News host Tucker Carlson advised him against the strike. (emphasis mine)

I’m assuming this was a reference to Soleimani.

If so, I’d say it bolsters the argument that Trump assassinated Soleimani in an attempt to buy Bolton’s silence. How’s that for loyalty? He refused the House’s invitation. It appears he has also refused to keep silent. Book deal before party before country.


Needs to be inscribed on a very large monument in DC.

Like on the GOP side of the Senate?


The thing is, in order to know what was in the Bolton manuscript someone would have to have read it. If they got a paper copy with no index, they would have had to read the whole thing to know what was in it.

I don’t think there are many people left close to Trump who are capable of reading and comprehending an entire book.


I don’t think there are many people left close to Trump who are capable of reading and comprehending an entire matchbook.


Good point. But the lawyers read it. Billable hours, you know.


Blindsided? Could it be because…all those mother-rukers were too busy playing with fidget-spinners and bitching about HOW BOR-RING! And…leave it to “Aw shuckens” Looziana Senator Kennedy to tell the truth, that is:

If you poll the senators, nine out of 10 will tell you they have not read the transcript of the House hearings and the 10th is lying to you.


I think the senators are not surprised. They are lying because Bolton put front and center what we and they already knew. Did they believe Fiona Hill, Bill Taylor, George Kent, and Gordon Sondland were all lying? I don’t think so.


had their heads up their asses?

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Is there a reason Trump cannot be called?

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Honestly, they don’t listen to anything but right-wing radio and Fox News. I’m not surprised they’re shocked…they’re also blind and deaf to facts in a place where the sky isn’t blue.

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And President Obama.

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