How Christian Nationalism And The Big Lie Fused To Fuel Doug Mastriano’s Candidacy - TPM – Talking Points Memo

The Big Lie “is going to go through some things”?


As it is everywhere. But the GOP is increasingly playing to a “base” that has been distilled down to the meanest, nastiest and most racist white people you can imagine. IMHO they’ve overreached this election cycle - especially here in PA. Too many people can see where this leads, and they don’t like it.


Do you really think that the GOP/GQP base understands the distinctions between the ‘ists’? They’ve already deemed that democracy as a political means of of governing is dead to them.
To me it would be simpler to go after them on the differences between “ruling” and “governing”. And may I suggest the place to point out the difference is how elected officials, state or federal are or aren’t in contact with their constituents.


At this point, any strategy is worth trying.

What we cannot and must not accept is doing things the same way and expecting a different result.


There is no other way for Republicans to be, they are cruel and despicable and proud of it.


If Mastriano wins, will he contest the election? I mean, we can’t trust election results, right?


As I noted on another thread, Mastriano is completely unelectable—even to the majority of PA Repubs.

What with his idiocy and Barnette’s idiocy, the PA GQP is badly split and very worried, which is spilling over into the national GQP. Even the ever-moronic Ronna McDaniel is worried, despite her usual witless tweets.


They are reaping what they sowed. The RW keeps getting more crazy, bending over backward to out nasty the guy next to them.


Read that as raping what the sowed at first glance.

It works as well, even more fitting in today’s putrid Trumpist Party environment.

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Mastriano has only one benefit: he’d be easier for a sane Democrat to beat than someone more adept at hiding his extremism, like Va Governor Youngkin.


I fear the Repubs will hire PR firms/consultants to help Mastriano hide his extremism, should he win the nomination. Give him a script. But he may not be capable of following such a script. He’s gotten where he is today with a whole lot of obvious crap. It’s been working for him, so it’ll take a rather large bribe to get him to change tactics. No doubt he can be bought, however. So, if he does change tack, follow the money.


‘Christian Nationalism’ is an oxymoron, but that doesn’t matter to them. It’s all tribalism.


That horse left the barn quite some time ago.
If Mastirano wins the primary, it will be because of his extremism.


Except for an arms race, we’ve been there, and done that. And nobody wins in the long term.

And for 40+ years, I’ve been waiting for that to make a difference electorally. The GOP has cut off its ‘moderate’ wing over and over and over again, gone further to the right over and over and over again. And here we are, on the ropes again.


I hail from rural PA. And one of my friends from HS is a Pastor’s wife (Assembly of God). Both she and her husband are publicly and loudly supporting Mastriano, to my utter horror. Yes, they have bi-racial grandchildren. But they are both softly homophobic, and think that the DEBIL is everywhere and runs the Democratic Party. They live inside this bubble of fear and religious nuttiness. So, Mastriano has become their secular savior. That he’s probably running against Josh Shapiro, will make for an UGLY race. I worry that this 45+ year friendship is at an end… So be it. Some Nazis were also some of the nicest people… SIGH!



The upside is the more the christianistas align themselves with the GOP the more leave the church/refuse to ever go. They are in the process of dwindling but still hail their lord and master, TFG. So be it.


If successful, their influence will create havoc in the election system. To strong-arm election results in favor of their MAGA brethren spells doom for the democratic system. But then, I chasten my gag reflex when considering that America is becoming less religious with each generation. In fact, the decline in religious affiliation -even in personal religious belief- is accelerating. If the democratic system is preserved, their political isolation is assured.


I also am from rural Pennsylvania, and I could easily complete your sentence. It’s so heartbreaking when I see friends post on social media that all liberals should rot in hell.

Luckily, there are others like my elderly mother. Lifelong Republican who is skipping the primaries and voting straight Democrat come November. So I have hope.

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