How Boise State University Is Bowing to a Conservative Crusade

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“The fog comes on little cat feet”


Just more evidence that a Republican’t accusation (“Cancel Culture!”) is often actually a CONFESSION!! Projection, Projection, Projection!


I could barely get past this:

In Texas, the lieutenant governor and conservative donors worked with the state university’s flagship Austin campus to start an institute “dedicated to the study and teaching of individual liberty, limited government, private enterprise and free markets,” according to The Texas Tribune.

And now with Roe overturned women in every state may not have individual liberty, because gov’t wants to control her uterus, even if she goes to Planned Parenthood a non-governmental agency, to remove a few cells.

Rep. Mary Miller said it correctly overturning Roe solidified “white life”. Maybe they’ll ask her to Boise State as a speaker?


This is maddening. The lies and bad faith. Especially the claim by the winger legislator that he had “seen” a video that doesn’t exist, that purportedly portrayed a cancel culture incident that was directly at odds with the actual facts. He should personally be forced to reimburse the 1300 students for the classes they were deprived of when the course was suspended during the pendency of the investigation. And he should have to swear, on penalty of perjury, that all funds used to reimburse the students were his personal funds, and he was not subsidized by any other individual or entity.


All the oppressed white people in Idaho… What sort of mental gymnastics competition is this anyways?


Free speech doesn’t mean what the GOP thinks it does, and free inquiry doesn’t mean a thing to them. They wear their ignorance as a badge of honor when it is in fact a desperate attempt to flee a reality in which they have no right to the privileges of easy dominance that they crave.


Most of the stuff that got canceled was pretty useless and inflammatory to begin with. “Scholar activists” are too often the worst people, the left counterpart of MAGA. A little pushback on their nuttery doesn’t bother me too much. It’s frickin’ Idaho, after all. Read the room, people.

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Paranoiac delusion or outright lying comes to the same thing with conservatives generally it seems: The point is to justify preservation of a system that favors them and not ‘others’ or, as Frank Wilhoit phrases it, a core proposition exists that “there must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”

The wrinkle in the United States of course is ongoing racism, so deeply seated and institutionalized that it defends the perps (almost) completely. The GOP currently is now the primary defender and promoter of that national stain and, as Paul Krugman wrote recently, most closely compares to the rise of the KKK in the 1920s, which was a new movement, not the post-Civil War terrorist org. It was all there: nativism, anti-intellectualism, hatred of “elites” …The seamless melding of conspiracy theorizing and financial grift …


The problem here is Liberals and Rational people are allowing the Right to run them down without a fight. Same behavior that allowed Hitler, Mussolini, etc. Fight Back!


A very long article–thank you, though I confess I skimmed some of it–which reveals, essentially, that white supremacists and newly energized Know-Nothings can not be placated by teachers and college administrators into accepting a middle position. This group of people insist on seeing “diversity” as a threat, and some of them lie about what they see. Will we reclaim the culture from these avatars of ignorance? Hard to say.


Please tell us specifically what you think was justifiably cancelled and why it was “useless and inflammatory.”


Too much to recapitulate, but the “land acknowledgment”, obvs. What a fatuous, pointless, ahistorical, self-serving exercise that is.

And Pennsylvania Republicans make Pitt bow to their anti-abortion rules.


A reminder

If America does have a clearance sale on history, it’ll be on account of events like the above categorized as ‘why are we talking about this? It’s Idaho’.


Tell me about it. It’s right up there with that “Oberlin student complaining about the food in the cafeteria being cultural appropriation and also sucking …”!!!

In other news, the SCOTUS Shadow Docket reinstated Louisiana’s gerrymandered congressional map last night in Robinson v Ardoin.


So you think acknowledging the US government’s policy of ethnic cleansing is useless and inflammatory?


Did you say …

If there’s one thing that’s a clearer violation of FREEDOM than having to follow grazing laws, it’s not being able to starve your baby to death.

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The Bundys are going to keep going till they kill someone.


It’s was standard procedure. Find a small group of Native Americans and pretend they speak for everyone. But it’s not just Americans. The Dutch were the real masters, buying Manhattan from an entirely different group from the ones who lived there.