How Boise State University Is Bowing to a Conservative Crusade

That’s what gets me about American History. When it was ‘pristine’ and everyone on the same page (heh), minor wars (Black Hawk) and just wrong dealings (Hawaii) were ignored, because the wronged and the con men died.

With the internet, we can’t run from it and it scares Americans.


My favorite quote:
Crane, who is white, said that he disagrees with critical race theory: “There’s no racism in my life.” In his boyhood, he said, “African Americans were revered and looked up to. They were the athletes who played on the football and basketball teams. They were the heroes.”


“Welcome to this country’s second civil war.
I wish I were kidding. We have a Court actively handing States the justifications they need to become independent jurisdictions without Federal oversight.
They’re seceding again, just not in name.”

“The endgame? Picture something along the lines of Francoist Spain.”

They’re just getting warmed up.

Until? They didn’t pull the trigger, but Mr. Finicum was one of their cohorts in the Malheur Wildlife Reserve occupation and the Bundys goaded the situation which led to the confrontation where he was shot and killed. They are general menaces and sociopaths who will recklessly endanger other people’s lives for their own egos.

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The Democratic Party is fighting for YOUR right to YOUR life.

Of course, people can’t really be given the opportunity to change if they are never even allowed to be exposed to new ideas and concepts. The Lege and the “Freedom Foundation” are actively working to suppress open discussion (regardless of how “controversial” you might find it), while trying to hide behind words like “tradition” and “culture.”

Preemptively banning discussions of CRT and diversity or inclusion, is the opposite of being “free and open.” If students were required to take mandatory CRT classes in order to graduate they might have an argument, but along with so much else, it should boil down to, if you don’t want to discuss CRT, then don’t take a class on CRT. However, if a professor wants to teach such a class and students want to take it, they should be able to, openly and honestly.

It’s something worth taking a stand for…even in frickin’ Idaho.


I had lived in Boise for the last decade and just moved to Oregon to get away from the dangerous fascism that has taken hold of Idaho government. I don’t think most folks understand the fanaticism of those who have complete control of every level of state government.


Boise state an up and coming university? U.S. News and world report ranking: Bottom 25%. That is consistent with my understanding of that backward school in that really backward place.

Oh yes, of course I think that! Any sane person would infer that from my comment! Not at all an absurd non sequitur!

When did the TPM comment section get so unhinged? The average I Q in here is clearly shy of the median.

Crane, who is white, said that he disagrees with critical race theory: “There’s no racism in my life.” In his boyhood, he said, “African Americans were revered and looked up to. They were the athletes who played on the football and basketball teams. They were the heroes.”

Dear fucking christ. There’s nothing quite like a committed racist trying to speak like a not-racist. Sometimes they manage to avoid racial epithets, but beyond that, they just can’t do it. It really does give you a view into the seething yet incredibly dull shit pit at the center of the conservative mind.

And to think there are billions of dollars pouring into various conservative media enterprises, all with the goal of making as many people as possible think and speak like this guy.

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Yeah, baffles me unless I accept that the people who are scared of these unpleasant realities are scared because they feel it somehow makes them less special. Why be scared, the stuff we were proud of still happened (mostly) it’s just that there is a seamy underbelly that we should understand because it happened too.

You could always find this information the internet just made it harder to keep it swept under the rug.

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Well, you did compare liberal college professors to the MAGA crowd. Honestly I can’t think of a single professor who ever said that there should be open season on people who disagreed with him and made a vanity snuff film to advertise it.
But hey everyone else is stoopid.


In the past several years I’ve known several high school seniors in the Seattle area who either went on to Boise State or wanted to. I know that Boise has a bit of a reputation as an emerging tech hub, but I still can’t see the appeal of going to college there.

ETA: Good marketing,maybe?

What is currently called “conservatism” is nothing more than hate and fear posing as authority.
It has become a poison to our national soul.
They have so many excuses for their malice and contempt, their peer pressure doesn’t know which hole to vent from.
The one thing they agree on is hate for some non-existent “left”, outside of their mutual contempt, they share very little ideology or common virtue.
They have been fed validation for that hate now for half a century by an ever-flowing fount of perpetual falsehood.
I still blame FOX for most of this. They created the chasm by defining the terms and coaxing so much contempt from such a privileged crowd of grievers and complainers.
They corrupted the very definition of “Conservative” so it matched their resentments.
Now it just means “stubborn hater.”

There it is; the constant amygdala cap that keeps us ever under a cloud of hypocrisy. Like some sort of constitutional birth defect.
The land where Freedom was codified had black slaves when they wrote that code.

IIRC, the Nez Perce helped the Lewis & Clark Expedition survive the winter during their journey.

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I have and continue to do so. Here’s what you missed- Republicans have been complaining about Higher Ed for years. They accuse the faculty and institutions of indoctrinating students. They sometimes complain that the faculty isn’t balanced- there’s not enough Conservatives in Higher Ed. They love to search for reasons to not fund schools- here’s a hint, they don’t fund them the way the should, or claim. Lies about fake incidents aren’t common, but they occur more often than should happen. There’s a reason that RW legislators don’t define CRT- they want to use that ambiguity to bash anything they don’t like.

It’s inflammatory because the snowflakes in the Legislature have nothing better to do than be outraged. Universities draw people from different backgrounds and people DO get their views challenged, indirectly and directly. If your worldview is that narrow and that fragile, you are in the wrong place. That’s the problem, too may people in positions of power don’t want/can’t handle that. One more thing, schools like BSU love to have competitive sports, so these schools will do very diverse recruiting for student athletes. The crowds are good with that, as long as the others perform on the field, and disappear the rest of the week.


Boise is the pimple on the backside of Idaho. The Broncos I know are not impressive.


I guess it stands out as the pimple on the boil that is Idaho. That’s not fair, plenty of people I know who were born and raised in Idaho say it’s been taken over by the nut jobs from elsewhere. I suppose it’s true, but the Aryan Nation and Ruby Ridge situation set that vibe decades ago.

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