House Passes $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Bill | Talking Points Memo

WASHINGTON (AP) — Acting with exceptional resolve in an extraordinary time, the House rushed President Donald Trump a $2.2 trillion rescue package Friday, tossing a life preserver to a U.S. economy and health care system left flailing by the coronavirus pandemic.

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Ok, now it is time for Pelosi and Schumer to work on joint text of the next bill. Will need to be another trillion or so, and address (a) election security and mail in voting for the 2020 election, (b) federal acquisition and distribution of protective and life saving gear outside of Trump’s control, © a suspension of forclosures, and debt collection, while the pandemic is ongoing.

Don’t stop, keep going, and use the time to be ready with legislative text, and also to figure out a way to hold virtual hearings. Oversight needs to continue, but not in a big meeting room, but via video conferencing.

Witnesses can be sworn in, and testify, remotely.


There is some money in the bill that just passed for the 2020 elections but a broader bill that addresses election security is needed. IIRC there is one sitting on McConnell’s desk right now.


Honestly, this is yet another reason I’m glad Trump won. Sure, Crooked Hillary would have mobilized the government sooner and thus prevented things from getting where we are today, but there’s no chance anything like this would get passed if a Democrat were in the Whitehouse and they’d be screaming bloody murder about every dollar spent, especially during an election year.

That’s a big difference between liberals and conservatives: Liberals want the same policies regardless of the politics, while conservatives only care about helping their team win, period. That’s why they insisted the Bush Economy was great until it became the Obama Economy, then started firing government workers and teachers to tank the economy. The only person hurting Trump is Trump.

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So I’m pAyinG foR pOor peoPLe to eat LoBster?


Small victory but it is nice that they were able to put down Massie’s grandstanding so quickly.


But they have to use margarine. No butter for them.



Trump’s polling numbers haven’t been this high since the early days of his presidency.


AOC very unhappy with the heist.

Somehow the victory is a little sweeter knowing that GOP leadership actually helped quell that rebellion.


Imagine what his numbers would look like if he weren’t completely bungling the response to this crisis…


30 pieces of silver, in Covid-19 times, $1200 one time payment is making the MAGAts = Socialists! Unfortunately for them, buckets of gold for their richer MAGAts…

Indeed…Some animals are more equal than others, right MAGAts?

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There will, of course, now be a campaign event… (cough), I mean a signing ceremony in the oval office, where Trump takes all the credit for making this happen.


Vote by mail is a great idea, assuming the USPS is in business

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So the cockwomble Massie the Dick couldn’t find a second on the House floor, eh? Not one single other congressperson wanted to delay and inspect the legislation, eh? Well, isn’t that just precious.

Now Massie the Dick can strut back to his slimy hole in KY and campaign for the next election during the plague. Maybe not a single voter in his slimy hole in KY will come down with COVID-19, but if they do, I hope all the other voters who know that sick individual ask Massie the Dick how many lives his small delay might have cost.

“The check is in the mail, honey Boeing” et al.

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W/r/t Trump’s “Polling Numbers”. I don’t get it…

There must be a Vulcan Mind Meld that locks people into the Trumpian “reality” that “Churches will be open and full of worshipers by Easter”

'Cause that’s the only way these poll numbers (which represent “Rally Round the Flag” responses by Red Staters who, THEMSELVES, expect to be in those churches on Easter Sunday) mean a fucking thing.


Was watching CNBC and one commentator was pushing back against Robert Reich Bill Clinton labor secretary and Reichs comment about letting the airlines go belly up.Commentator said if that happen the airlines would start cancelling routes like they did in 08.Wish Reich could have been able to respond.

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Trump, who is certain to sign the legislation, tweeted that Massie is “a third rate Grandstander” and said he should be drummed out of the GOP. “He is a disaster for America, and for the Great State of Kentucky!” Trump wrote.

Random gifts come from the strangest places.

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